GM: It had been a long flight. You’re glad to finally reach your destination. A few days ago, you’d received a letter from a nameless director requesting you to make an appearance for audition before him at a studio in New York. He commented how he’d been dreaming to find a part for you to fit ever since he laid eyes on your breakthrough hit. You hop out of the taxi and pay the drive. He looks at you, shaking his head incredulously for the umpteenth time. You took your job seriously, who was he to question your determination? You play the part you’re paid for. You look up at the building on 733 South 11th Avenue in wonder as you walk inside. The greeter at the desk starts as she sees you, taking a second for it to kick in why you’re here. She hides an incriminating grin. “You’ll want the 13th floor. Take that elevator, turn left, then right, go across the walkway. Then turn right again, the pass the next turn while going straight, then turn left. It’ll be…” She starts to say as she gets a glazed look in her eyes, then lets loose with a mighty sneeze. “Sorry. Um… it’ll be the uh.. 2nd door on your right… right?.. Yeah, that’s it. Good luck up there. Don’t get lost!” She says as she turns and walks off without waiting for a response.
A little overwhelmed with the directions, you head up anyways, too proud to ask her to repeat herself. You ride the elevator to the 13th floor, turn left, right, cross the walkway, turn right, pass a turn, turn left and come to the 2nd door on your right. You can hardly believe you remembered the directions. You straighten your costume and set your hand on the hilt of your sword as you prepare to enter the door. You knock lightly at first, but when no one answers, you knock harder. Still no answer. You puff your chest out, grab the doorknob, twist it, and stride boldly over the threshold.