Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Silver Bechamel

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Shapeshifter: Charisma; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge; +4 bonus to Interaction checks; +2 bonus to Reflex; You can shift 1 square as a minor action. Octopoid: Intelligence; Bio; +2 to bio overcharge; +4 bonus to Athletics checks; +1 bonus to AC and Will; Whenever a creature ends its turn adjacent to you, you can slide it 1 square as a free action.


STR: 14 (+2)

DEX: 11 (+0)

WIS: 13 (+1)

CON: 8 (-1)

INT: 16 (+3)

CHA: 18 (+4)


Level 4: Storyteller - Streetwise *

Level 7: Storyteller - Street Performer *


Acrobatics +7

Athletics +13

Conspiracy +12

Insight +8

Interaction +15

Mechanics +10

Nature +8

Perception +8




25 AC AC: 10 / Level: 7 / Armor: 4 / Int (+3) / Octopoid: +1

19 FORTITUDE (Str or Con Modifier) Fort: 10 / Level: 7 / Str (+2)

21 REFLEX (Dex or Int Modifier) Ref: 10 / Level: 7 / Shapeshifter: +1 / Octopoid: +1 / Int (+3)

22 WILL (Wis or Cha Modifier) Will: 10 / Level: 7 / Cha (+4)

18 Perception (Passive)

19 Insight (Passive)

6 Speed


Armor: No Armor*

Melee: Light One-handed Melee *

Ranged: Light One-handed Ranged *

Other: Explorer's kit *, Fuel, 5 gallons, Winter outfit, Bolt cutter, Supercrazy glue, Car, sedan


Initiative: +TBA

HP 50 Bloodied 25

Basic Attacks


Novice Primary: Shapeshifter's Feint

You take on your victim ’s appearance to confuse your enemies. At-will 8 Bio, Physical, Standard Action Melee weapon Effect: You assume the form of any Medium humanoid until you change form again. You retain your statistics in your new form, and your clothing, armor, and possessions do not change. You gain a +5 power bonus to Interaction checks to tool others with your disguise. You can choose not to make the attack.

Target: One creature

Attack: Charisma + your level vs. Reflex.

Hit: 1[W] + Charisma modifier + your level physical damage. If you changed your form to resemble the target. you gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn while the target is within 2 squares of you.

Novice Secondary: Long Arms of the Sea

Utility (Level 3): Who, Me? * You become an inoffensive creature, small and unassuming. People want to pet you. Encounter Bio Minor Action Personal Effect: You assume the form oi a Tiny beast until the end of the encounter, until you change back to your previous form as a minor action, or until you change your form again. While in this form, you gain a +3 power bonus to speed and to all defenses. you do not provoke opportunity attacks for moving, and you cannot attack.

Expert (Level 5): Big Scary Monster * Your morph into a big, scary monster with long, sharp claws.

Encounter Bio, Physical, Minor Action Personal

Effect: You assume the form of a big scary monster (although you remain a Medium crea- ture) until the end ot the encounter, until you dismiss the lorm as a minor action, or until you change your form again. While in this form, enemies takea -2 penalty to attack rolls against you. You can make the lollowing at-will attack while in this form. Standard Action- Melee 2

Target: One creature

Attack: Charisma + your level vs. AC

Hit: 2d6 + Charisma modifier + twice your level physical damage.

Utility (Level 7): Inked

Expert (Level 9): Squeeze the Life Out of 'Em

Uber Feature (Level 10): Unassigned *

CRITICAL (LEVEL 2): Shapeshifter- Critical When you score a critical hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage, and eth target grants combat advantantage until the end of your next turn/

CRITICAL (LEVEL 6): Octopoid Critical-When you score a critical hit, the attack deals 1d10 extra damage. If the target is within 3 squares of you, the target is also slowed (save ends)

Alpha Mutations

Omega Tech

Scavenged Omega Tech