Alchemy is a multipower framework that must have the following limitations -
- Delayed Effect (May have number of potions equal to INT; +1/4)
- Extra Time (6 Hours, Character May Take No Other Actions, -3 3/4)
- OAF Fragile (-1 1/4)
- Requires A Skill Roll And A Skill Roll (Alchemy and Tap; -3/4)
- Gestures (Requires both hands; Complex; -3/4)
- Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2)
- Conditional Power (Requires alchemical equipment to prepare, and the necessary ingredients. -1/2)
- Restrainable (-1/2)
For a total limitation of -7 3/4
In order to create the potion, 6 hours of time must be spent making the potion with the correct ingredients and equipment, with various runic gestures and incantations. The active points of the potion determine the modifier to the Alchemy skill roll (-1 for every 10 active points of the potion). And then a Tap roll is made to channel mana into the potion (or enchanted object if creating a magical item).
All the limitations occur in the preparation of the potion, except for "restrainable" which simulates that someone attempting to use a potion, cannot do so if tied up, grabbed or otherwise prevented from the obvious moves necessary, and "OAF fragile" which simulated the container for the finished potion (as well as the alchemical equipment used in preparation).
Potions may never use the charges limitation, but may use the "requires fuel" limitation if they have a duration of time their effect occurs.