Mission Generator

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Mission Generator


must select from list
may include
must arbitrate
Player character
Non player character
any character

I'm not wrohty to be in the same forum. ROTFL


<2/10 abandoned>

1-4; Public House

5; Vehicle

6-7; Utility

8-9; [Character's] home

10-12; Historic site

13-15; Research institute

16-17; School

18-20; Temple

21-26; Base

27-29; Warehouse

30; Graveyard

31-32; Mountain

33-34; Island

35-36; Swamp

37-38; River

39-40; Forest/Bush/Jungle

41; Desert

42; Plains

43-44; Road

45-46; Camp

<4/10; with unfriendly locals>

<1/10; with defenses>

<1/10; which is underground>

<2/10; which is contested by 1d4+1 (group)s>

<1/10; during a natural disaster>

<1/10; where they get trapped/ambushed>


<4/10; a representative of>

<1/10; a group of>

<1/10; the SO of>

<3/10; a foreign>

1-4; Patron

4-7; Leader

8-10; Noble

11-12; Criminal

13; Enemy

14-15; Tradesman

17-20; Ally

21-23; Police Officer

24-25; Beaurocrat

26; Relative

27-29; Mentor

30-31; Academic

32-34; Priest

35-36; Radical

37-39; Military Officer

40-41; Mercenary

42-45; Trader

46; Device (artifact, AI, etc)

<2/10; who is hiding identity>

<1/10; who is pretending to be another (individual)>

<1/10; who plans on their failure>

<1/10; who lies to them about the mission>

<1/10; who is only doing this for entertainment>

<1/10; who is using PCs as a diversion>

<1/10; who they will never see again>

<1/10; who is being controlled by another (individual)>


<1/10; must get equipment to>

<1/10; must learn how to>

1-3; Steal

4-5; Alter

6-8; Destroy

9-10; Sabotage

11-13; Return to [1; (area)/ 2-6; (contact)/ 7-0; (individual)]

14; Fix

15-16; Document


<1/10; must get equipment to>

<2/10; must learn how to>

1-3; Rescue

4-5; Kidnap

6-8; Inform

9-10; Interrogate

11; Mislead

12-14; Contact

15-18; Protect

19-20; Retrieve (item) from


<1/10; bugged>

<1/10; sabotaged>

<1/10; part of>

<6/10; multiple>

1-3; Weapon

4-5; Armour

6-7; Technology

8; Research

9; Installation

10; Cause of Phenomenon

11-12; Equipment

13-14; Vehicle

15; (Stage)

16-18; Cash

19; Blackmail

20; Pillage

21; Document

22; Favour

23; Key

24; Tuition

25; Artwork

26-27; Supplies

28-29; Information

30-31; Evidence

32-34; Trading Goods

35; Slave

36; Title

37; Their Lives

<1/10; with secret properties>

<1/10; which [1-6; is no longer/7-10; never was] there>

<1/10; which has been switched>

<1/10; with a time limit>

<2/10; which is stolen>


list will have to be written solely by GM; depending on campaign, this may be a group of towns, states, nations or planets.