- Light-Weaver
- Caste: Twilight
- Concept: Idealistic Sorcerer
- Light-weaver seems young, almost child-like at the first glance- until you look more closely. There's an faint tint to his skin and flecks of gold in his eyes that seem entirely strange, and faint lines give the impression of age beginning to wear. He is tall, but not of spectacular strength- though not as weak as a scholar of his stature would be expected to be. He ordinarily wears light robes of the local culture, but never those of the Varang.
- Find the true nature of harmony and make Creation be in perpetual alignment with it.
The Circle Creation Harmony as a concept Seeking Knowledge The Salinan Working
A shimmering weave of light seems to coalesce around Light-weaver, weakening all blows of fate. The anima determines his name, as his old one was destroyed by the Varangian astrologers when he defied them.
- Strength 2
- Dexterity 3
- Stamina 3
- Charisma 4
- Manipulation 2
- Appearance 4
- Perception 4
- Intelligence 5
- Wits 4
- Investigation 3
- Lore 5 (First Age 1)
- Occult 5 (Investigating ancient secrets 1, Battle Magic 1, Countermagic 1)
- Medicine 3
- Resistance 5
- Awareness 3
- Performance 3
- Dodge 4
- Integrity 3
Linguistics 1 (Flametongue, Old Realm)
Each Background
Artifact 4
- Starmetal Articulated Plate
Artifact 1
- Fivefold harmonic adapter
Resources 3
Each Ability or Attribute
3rd Zenith Excellency
- Integrity
Integrity Protecting Prana
- Resistance
Ox-body x5 (free)
Whirlwind armor-donning Prana
Hauberk Lightening Gesture
Armored Scout's Invigoration
Durability of Oak Meditation
Iron Skin Concentration
Essence Gathering Temper
- Performance
Respect Commanding Attitude
- Dodge
Shadow over Water
Seven Shadow Evasion
Reflex Sidestep Technique
1st Twilight Excellency
- Occult
Terrestrial Circle Sorcery
Celestial Circle Sorcery
Emerald Countermagic
Sapphire Countermagic
Invulnerable Skin of Bronze
Shadows of the Ancient Past
Spirit Sword
Flying Guillotine
- Investigation
Sagacious Reading of Intent
- Essence:
- Personal: /
- Peripheral: /
- Committed to Charms:
- Committed to artifacts:
- Willpower: /
- Anima status:
- Compassion:
- Conviction:
- Temperance:
- Valor:
- (Virtue channels used: None)
Limit Break
Describe your flaw and record here your limit
- Join Battle:
- Dodge DV:
- Parry DV:
- Soak: L/B/A
- Move:
- Dash:
- Join Debate:
- Dodge MDV:
- Parry MDV:
Health Levels
- -0, -1, -1, -2, -2, -4, Incapacitated
- (wounds are designated as bashing, lethal or
List your stuff here, including combat stats if you have weapons
From birth, Light-weaver was destined by the astrologers of the Varang to be one of the greatest scholars of the age- born to a family of scholars of excellent pedigree in Yang. He grew up within the system, largely unquestioning of his privilege and the astrological rules that governed the lives of all around him, until one day he found a book, hidden deep within one of the oldest libraries in Yang. It was a history of the first years of Varang, and it described a society completely different than the one he lived in- outright defiant of the stars, without castes, and practicing a strange art in the name of the Unconquered Sun- yet still harmonious. But when he tried to withdraw the book for further study, the keepers of the library attempted to destroy it. Outraged, and without any power to call on within Varang, Light-weaver called on the Unconquered Sun- and light burst from his forehead, warding it against the flames of the false keepers of knowledge. A voice resonated within his mind, saying "follow my words, and seek out the true source of harmony, that you may teach it to the world and bind harmony into its very soul".
Needless to say, Light-weaver left Yang shortly thereafter, searching out new ideas about harmony- and in particular, the art that was described as Solar Sorcery. He travelled across the South, shedding his distinctive Varangian garb along the way, and seeking advice and knowledge from savants, gods, and other Exalted. During his journeys, he observed many societies- some with pretenses to harmony, like Paragon, and others that didn't even try- and the harm that both paths caused. But when he was initiated into Celestial Circle sorcery by a wise Lunar, Light-weaver was told of the Salinan working- a great spell that had fundamentally changed the nature of Creation. Ever since, it has been his ambition to find the true nature of harmony and annihilate the false.
- Give at least one short paragraph
Find new knowledge- sorcerous knowledge and knowledge of harmony in particular. Overthrow unharmonious regimes (such as the Prefect, clearly).
Each Member
Each Circlemate
- Earned: #
- Spent: # (make a list of all purchases here)
- Unspent: #