Cuddlesaurus and the Jellybean of Destiny Silver 5I

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Silver 5I Origin: Radioactive/Prescient


Str 6 (-2)

Con 18 (+4)

Dex 12 (+1)

Int 11 (+0)

Wis 16 (+3)

Cha 7 (-2)


Acrobatics +8 Athletics +9 Conspiracy +7 Insight +10 Interaction +9 Mechanics +7 Nature +10 Perception +10 Science +11 Stealth +8


AC: 27

Reflex: 21

Fortitude: 23

Will: 21


Map, local Water purifier Climber's kit Riding horse

Light Armor: Overalls with metal plate over vulnerable areas. Heavy 1-H Melee: Mattock Shield: Hammered flat beer keg Heavy 1-H Ranged: .45 magnum revolver

Scavenged Omega Tech

Autodoc +5 HP, Mk1 Power Armor AC 8 +1 Ref and Fort, Diskthrower 1-H light ranged Dex/Int +3 2d8, Force Shield +1 shield bonus to AC; +2 shield bonus to Reflex; you gain resist 3 to all damage while you aren’t granting combat advantage


Initiative: +12

HP 65

Bloodied 33

Basic Attacks

Mattock Chop: Attack +13 vs AC, 1d10 +11 Physical, Melee 1

Revolver Shot: Attack +13 vs AC, 2d6 +11 Physical, Ranged 10

Diskthrower Shot: Attack +11 vs AC, 2d8 +8 Physical, Ranged 10


Mutant Type: Dark, Psi, +2 to Dark Overcharge

Gamma Tolerance: (Gain resist 15 radiation)

Radioactive Critical: (target is weakened until end of next turn)

Third Eye Awareness: (Gain +2 to opportunity attacks and +4 to initiative)

Prescient Critical (+1d10 damage and grants combat advantage until end of next turn)

Radiation Eyes (Standard Action, Ranged 5, +11 vs Fort, 1d10+18 radiation damage, target takes a -2 penalty to all defenses until end of next turn)

Will finish soon