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Remi Orthasiem


Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship
30 35 50 50 35 60 35 46 36
  • Career Path: Explorator
  • Rank: 2
  • Movement: 3/6/9/18
  • Wounds: 16
  • Corruption Points:1
  • Insanity Points: 7
  • Fate Points: 3
  • Role on ship:
    Omnissianic Congregator


  • Awareness: 55
  • Common Lore
    • Machine Cult: 80
    • Tech: 90
  • Demolition: 60
  • Drive
    • Ground Vehicle: 45
  • Forbidden Lore
    • Adeptus Mechanicus: 70
    • Archeotech: 80
  • Literacy: 80
  • Logic: 80
  • Medicae: 60

  • Scholastic Lore
    • Astromancy: 80
  • Secret Tongue
    • Rogue Trader: 60
    • Tech: 60
  • Security: 60
  • Speak Language
    • Explorator Binary: 60
    • Low Gothic: 60
  • Techna-Lingua: 60
  • Tech-Use: 100
  • Trade
    • Armourer: 60
    • Technomat: 60


  • Basic Weapon Training (Las, Launcher, Melta, Plasma, SP, Bolt)
  • Melee Weapon Training (Chain, Shock, Power)
  • Technical Knock
  • Unshakable faith
  • Armour of contempt
  • Light Sleeper
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Logis Implant
  • Autosanguine
  • Mechadendrite Use (Utility)
  • Binary Chatter
  • Electro Graft Use
  • Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus)
  • Total Recall
  • Sound Constitution x 2


  • Stranger to the cult
  • Duty to the throne
  • Mechanicus Implants
  • Unnatural Intelligence x 2
  • Forbidden Lore (Xenos) is considered a basic skill, for Necron only. Will become Talented (Xenos/Necron) when Forbidden Lore (Xenos) is bought.



  • Dragon Scale (Arms 8, Body 8, Head 8, Legs 8)


  • Boltgun (90m; S/2/4; 1d10+5 X; Pen 4; Clip 24; Reload Full; Tearing)
  • Omnissian Axe(Sollex) (2d10+10 E; Pen 6; Power Field, Unbalanced, also functions as a combi-tool, +10WS)
  • Shock-Staff (I) (1d5+9 I; Pen 0; Shocking, +10WS)
  • Servo-Arm (2d10+12 R; Pen 2; Str 65, Unnatural x 2)


Void Suit, Injector, sacred unguents (6), Micro-bead, Combi-Tool, Multikey, Dragon Scale, Boltgun, Best Quality Omnissian Axe(Sollex), Best Quality Shock Staff, Best Quality Cortex Implants, Good Quality Mind Impulse Unit, Optical Mechadendrite, Calculus Logi Upgrade, Servo-Arm, Medical Mechadendrite
