Justice Lords/Flash
Current Stats
- Strength 2
- Stamina 2
- Dexterity 3
- Agility 3
- Fighting 3
- Intelligence 3
- Awareness 3
- Presence 1
- Agile Feint (May use Acrobatics or Movement rank to feint, rather than Deception)
- Beginner's Luck (May spend a Hero Point to gain 5 skill ranks in any skill with less than 4 ranks)
- Defensive Roll 3 (+3 to Toughness)
- Jack of All Trades (May use any skill untrained)
- Move-By Action
- Luck 1
- Evasion 2 (Take half damage from any area effects when using Dodge defense)
- Improved Initiative 5 (+20 to Initiative)
- Instant Up (May stand from prone as a free action)
- Takedown 2
- Acrobatics 4 (+7)
- Athletics 4 (+6)
- Close Combat (Unarmed) 4 (+7)
- Deception 4 (+5)
- Expertise (Streetwise) 2 (+5)
- Insight 4 (+7)
- Investigation 1 (+4)
- Perception 5 (+8)
- Persuasion 2 (+3)
- Stealth 2 (+5)
- Technology 1 (+4)
- Treatment 1 (+4)
- Speed Force
- Speed 15 (64,000 mph)
- Alternate Power: Enhanced Metabolism (Immunity to Poison/Disease (Limited to Half Effect); Regeneration 10)
- Quickness 10
- Movement 3 (Water-Walking, Wall-Crawling 2; Limited (Only While Moving))
- Enhanced Defenses (Enhanced Dodge 8, Enhanced Parry 2)
- Alternate Power: Deflect 10
- Enhanced Traits: Evasion 2, Improved Initiative 5, Instant Up, Takedown 2
- Kinetic Theft +5 (Ranged Accurate Affliction 9; Hindered/Immobile/Paralyzed; Will Save DC 19)
- Alternate Power: Drain Speed +5 (Ranged Effortless Accurate Nullify Movement 6; DC 16)
- Alternate Power: Rapid Fire +5 (Ranged Accurate Selective Multiattack Damage 4; DC 19)
- Alternate Power: Machine Gun Punch +9 (Accurate 3 Strength-Based Multiattack Damage 8; DC 23)
- Alternate Power: Mach 1 Punch +7 (Accurate Ranged Damage 13; Limited (Only While Moving); DC 28)
- Speed 15 (64,000 mph)
- Dodge 7 (15)
- Parry 4 (6)
- Fortitude 5
- Will 7
- Toughness 2 (5)
- Initiative +23