Milk Run - Krot
Ursemenite Jerk
Species - Vicious Little Bastard
Species - Empathy is for Suckers
Homeworld - Reluctantly Worked As A Teddy Bear On Nurseria 5, The Nursery Planet
Personal Strength - Will Do Anything To Get What He Wants
Personal Weakness - Saddled With Annoying Robo-Kitten
Former Associates - Internship at the Scare Bears gang
Current Berth - Leched One Time Too Many
Job - Here In Case There's Trouble And In Case There Isn't
Shipmates - Useful For Now
Captain - This Guy Is Hilarious
Intimidation* Subtle Menace
Trading* Merchant Prince
Weapons* Strike to the Heart
Refresh 3
Stress [] [] [] [] [] [] []
Alertness +1
Athletics +2
Burglary +2
Endurance +2
Empathy +1
Guns +3
Intimidation +3
Resolve +1
Rapport +1
Sleight of Hand +1
Stealth +3
Trading +2
Weapons +3