Marian Dunsten
Biographical Info

- Name Marian Dunsten
- Sex Female
- Age 18
- Height 5'3"
- Weight 120#
- Background: Born to subsistence farmers in the beautiful countryside of Lancashire, Marian Dunsten passed her first test as an infant, shaking off pneumonia and living. Though it left her weakened, her life allowed no weakness. Her childhood ended when she was able to do farm work, and she did it all, indoors and out. She distinguished herself early as alert to opportunity, which served her well in a countryside teaming with populists and revolutionaries, including her own family. A chance encounter with the Lady Lancashire and her retinue, who had happened to be discussing the need for a handmaiden for her daughter, led Marian to boldly and plainly recommend herself. She impressed the Lancashires enough with her knowledge and initiative, if not her blunt speech, that the Lord took her with him to try for this odd time-machine venture. The Lord was sent home in a blizzard of platitudes, but she sold her hard-earned survival skills and won a place as the expedition's sherpa.
- Class Cleric
- Level 3
- Level Title Priestess
- XP 4800
- XP required for next level 1200
- Alignment Lawful
- STR 14 +1
- INT 14 +1
- WIS 15 +1
- DEX 11
- CON 7 -1
- CHR 14 +1
Combat Stats
- AC 5
- HP 11
- Move 60'
- Saving Throws
- Death Ray or Poison 11
- Magic Wands 12
- Paralysis or Turn to Stone 14
- Dragon Breath 16
- Rod, Staff, or Spell 15
Race and Class Abilities
- Level 1
- Cure Light Wounds
- Cause Fear
Turn Undead
- Skeletons T
- Zombies T
- Ghouls 7
- Wights 9
- Wraiths 11
Gear and Treasure
- Encumbrance standard
- Armor
- Weapons
- club
- sling w/ 30 stones
- Gear
- Backpack with bedroll
- Hardtack and jerky, 2 weeka
- Water skin
- Hunter's knives and tools, including feathers, line and hooks for fly-fishing
- Crowbar
- Garlic
- Holy water, 2 vials
- Torches, 3
- Iron pot w/lid and ladle
- Flask (whiskey)
- Sewing kit
- Healer's bag (scissors, bone saw, herbs and salves, gauze, etc.)
- Sturdy wool cloak and hat and leather boots
- Family heirloom cross on a leather strap (holy symbol, iron)
- Family heirloom Tyndale Bible, copied by hand
- Quill, ink and a dozen sheets of parchment in a waterproof scroll case
- Coins GP EP SP CP
- Treasure