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DnD The dragonmarked party


Player Characters


NonPlayer Characters

Lady Elaydren
Occupation: Noble
Location: x
Connection: House Cannith

  • Hired the party to escort a informant to her.
  • Hired the party to find a schematic on the vault.



Character creation

  • Classes + races = Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
  • Other feats + spells = Ebberon campaign setting
  • Optional by request
  • Added races Warforged
  • Added class Artificer

Stat generation

Under discussion


Q: how important is equipment, will you be imposing the rule that if it is not on your sheet you don't have it?
A: I vote that what you don’t have on your sheet you don’t carry.



Game Mechanics



Basic editing options explained.

A quick lookup for pathfinder information

Useful stuff.


story aid

Background story guidelines

  • What is the personality?
  • What is the appearance?
  • Where does he come from?
  • What enemies did he make in the past?
  • What is his goal in life?

During the game

  • Know about his home town. If he used the train, where does the train stop and how do you get a ticket? Who were there worse enemies during the war?
  • keep a journal after every campaign session. Write the story from your characters eyes. What does he find important?