Extra 1920s Call of Cthulhu Equipment

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Extra 1920s Call of Cthulhu Equipment

Conversion Rates


UK Monetary Standards

£1 = 20 Shillings
1 Shilling = 12 Pence
1 Guinea = £21 (*Note: The Guinea is an amount used for high numbers, but there are no actual guinea notes or coins.)

Money values are written as Pounds Shillings/Pence; eg: 4 pounds, 0 shillings and five pennies would be rendered £4 -/5.

Common Notes or Coins
Bronze Coins
0.25d 'Farthing'
0.5d 'Half Penny' ('Haypenny')
1.0d 'Penny

Silver Coins
3.0d 'Three Penny' ('Thruppence', 'Thruppeny bit')
6.0d 'Six Pence'
1.0s 'Shilling'
2/6d 'Half Crown'
5.0s 'Crown'

Gold Coin
£1 'Pound'

£1 'Pound'
Higher notes did exist, but even a £5 note was so rare a shop keeper will usually ask you to sign the back before accepting it.

UK Equipment available at Harrods

Name Cost Name Cost Name Cost Name Cost
Gold fob watch £8 10/- Stop watch £6 15/- Ladies Silver Wrist Watch £1 10/- Spectacles 6/6
Microscope £4 10/- Telescope £3 15/- Pocket compass £2 5/- Box camera £1 1/-
Zeiss Ikon camera £12 5/- Film developing and printing -/8 per image Radio receiver £13 Ball of string 5 1/2p
Parker fountain pen 21/- Portable typewriter £8 15/- Handbag 11/6 Trunk £9 12/-
Brandy flask 10/- Cricket bat 33/- 'Stowaway' folding boat £17 17/- Webley 12g hammerless shotgun £22
100 shotgun cartridges 15/- Webley .455" Mk VI Revolver £2 6/- 100 .455 pistol cartridges 5/- Butterfly net 5/6
Naturalist's dissection kit £1 15/- Pen knife 8/6 Skis £2 12/6 Picnic basket (4 persons) £7 19/-
Sleeping bag 80/- Camp bed w/ mosquito net 42/- Tent 10' x 8' £14 18/19 Travelling spirit stove 7/-
Gardening scythe 7/- Electric torch 10/6 Portable 'searchlight' 12/6 Traveller's medicine case £2 9/6
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