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Any day Mithra meets hostile undead, is a good day. This is because of his aversion to unnatural things as a druid, as a warforged he is immune or resistant to some of their attacks, and his favorite weapon are a very big club and a sling. He doesn't see himself as undead or unnatural, but more as something like an Ent (if more talkative and intelligent.)

For a warforged and a soldier, Mithra is an able diplomat, negotiating rather than fighting, unless the demands of the other party become very unreasonable... This makes him wonder how experimental his design really was; boosting increased intelligence and wisdom, as well as superior dexterity at the cost of durability, being designed with tactical capabilities to take command in battle, if neccesary.

He is only a novice druid, not really knowledgable or favored towards a particular nature deity, and not adept at casting spells.

His next move is to try to find some dictionaries (Elven, Dwarvish, Draconian, Drow). Doesn't know where to buy them or how much they would cost, and how much they would help him communicate in a language he doesn't know. (hint Anand; what do you think ?).

Mithra misses one of his former companions, a green skinned bard who wandered off somewhere. He has a feeling that he will never see the adept caster again...