FiretopMountain: Justin

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Justin gazed up at Firetop Mountain, at the flames belching forth. As always, when confronted with fire, he ran his hand over the burn scars on the right side of his wearied human face. He thought back to his first adventure, back to when he found strength in Bahamut.

The burning pyres seen from the edge to the Vale worried people. Scarce livestock had gone missing. Adventurers set out to examine the mystery.

Kobolds, bold where they were usually cowardly. The pyres were burning to help kobold scroungers find their way back. They had been looking for rare night blooming flowers and phosphorescent moss. Reagents in demon summoning. The kobolds were driven back. Human masters were uncovered. A cult to Kostchtchie. Backed by a young white dragon named Jukiliphoothorew.

He had gotten burned badly at the summoning where he had run straight into the sigiled circle to disrupt the ceremony. The dragon had sworn that its father would avenge it. That hadn't happened. Yet.

But the kobolds, cult and dragon had been defeated. Nentir Vale had been safe for a while. And a band of defenders had been blooded.

Much more had happened since then. He had grown more sure, more skilled, stronger in his faith. He fought not only for the people of Nentir Vale, but for his family, his brother and sister and their families. His nephews and nieces gave him joy and purpose. Without them he would have laid down his shield long ago.

He got to his feet and unlocked the door to his armory. He was sheriff now, but his deputies could handle things in his absence. Soon he was armed and armored. He went out and his squire had his mount and banner ready. Now to meet with his comrades and devise a plan of action.

Justin Vale, level 11
Human, Paladin of Bahamut, Questing Knight
Human Power Selection: Bonus At-Will Power
Background: Recent Life - Peaceful Life (+2 to Insight)
Theme: Animal Master

Str 13, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 21.

Str 12, Con 14, Dex 9, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 16.

AC: 30 Fort: 22 Reflex: 21 Will: 27
HP: 91 Surges: 14 Surge Value: 22

Perception +13, Intimidate +15, Religion +10, Heal +13, Diplomacy +15, Insight +17

Acrobatics +1, Arcana +5, Bluff +10, Dungeoneering +8, Endurance +4, History +5, Nature +8, Stealth +1, Streetwise +10, Thievery +1, Athletics +2

Human: Bardic Dilettante
Level 1: Human Perseverance
Level 2: Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade)
Level 4: Iron Will
Level 6: Don't Count Me Out
Level 8: Devoted Paladin
Level 10: Mercy's Reward
Level 11: Disheartening Presence

Bonus At-Will Power: Virtuous Strike
Lay on Hands: Lay on Hands
Paladin at-will 1: Bolstering Strike
Paladin at-will 1: Ardent Strike
Animal Master encounter: Distracting Attack
Paladin encounter 1: Valorous Smite
Paladin daily 1: Glorious Charge
Animal Master utility 2: Timely Trick
Paladin encounter 3: Hold Fast
Paladin daily 5: Unyielding Faith
Animal Master utility 6: Guard My Back
Paladin encounter 7: Blade of Light
Paladin daily 9: Shackles of Justice
Paladin utility 10: Vengeful Vigilance
Questing Knight encounter 11: Strength of Ten

Sunwrath Longsword +3, Imposter's Gith Plate Armor +3, Amulet of Life +2, Floating Shield Heavy Shield (heroic tier), Lunia's Bracelet (heroic tier), Catstep Boots (heroic tier), Gloves of Piercing (heroic tier), Muleback Harness (heroic tier), Bahamut's Protective Ward (level 3), Headband of Perception (heroic tier), Symbol of Excellence +1