Its A Mad World Epic4E:Dr Shivareth

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Dr. Shivareth, a character played by OldKentuckyShark in the "Its a Mad Word" campaign by Tedster

iPLAY4e LINK "That's 'Doctor' Shivareth. I didn't spend five cumulative decades at medical school to get called 'Mister'."

Dr. Shivareth, The Clockwork Lich

Curriculum vitae:

  • Doctor of Thaumaturgy
  • Doctor of Arcanic Theory
  • Master of Engineering, Arcanum
  • Speaker Emeritus of the Arcane Congress of Arkhosia (defunct)
  • Fellow of the Royal Arcane Society of Nerath (defunct)
  • Ordo Clericorum Regularium Erathis (Mendicant Brother of Erathis, excommunicated)
  • Visiting Instructor-at-Arms of the White Lotus Academy (current)
  • Mage of the Seventh Circle

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 175
Age: Old. Very, very old.
Alignment: Unaligned
Deity: Erathis


Combat Block

Shivareth, level 21

STR 13, CON 22, DEX 15, INT 26, WIS 14, CHA 10

AC: 36 Fort: 35 Ref: 33 Will: 32
HP: 134 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 33

Arcana +32, Dungeoneering +17, History +25, Insight +21, Perception +17, Religion +23, Stealth +17, Thievery +20

Acrobatics +12, Athletics +11, Bluff +10, Diplomacy +10, Endurance +16, Heal +12, Intimidate +10, Nature +12, Streetwise +10