Its A Mad World Epic4E:LilyBloom
Lilybloom is a character played by ShadowWhispers in the "It's a Mad Word" campaign.

Lilybloom, Painter of the World
| Lilybloom @ iPlay4e
"May I present to you, Princess Lilybloom Lunargleam, Heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Moondrops and Sparkling Dew, Enchantress and Illusionist of the Summer Court, Handmaiden to Tiandra the Summer Queen, Adjunct to the Court of the Stars, Shiradi of Beauty and Laughter, Keeper of the Thousand Songs, and Artist and Creator of the Highest Order!" - Jeeves (Translated from the original Owlbear).
Height: 6"
Weight: 1 lb.
Age: Indeterminate; though obviously an adult and by all accounts centuries old, she has a neotonic appearance that makes her seem almost child-like
Alignment: Good
Deity: Like most fey, she gives token obeisance to Sehanine and Corellon, but she has little time to spare for gods.
- Lilybloom was born in beauty and light.
- She served, as her people do, in tasks of making the Feywild shine.
- She sought the cities of the Eladrin, learning from the archwizards of Astrazalian the magic she would need to work her art upon the world.
- LIlybloom travelled the Feywild, putting her skills to work and having ADVENTURES.
- Impressed with the princess' deeds, Summer Queen Tiandra invited her to return to Senaliesse to serve on her court.
- In service of the Court of the Stars, Lilybloom journeyed to the mortal realm, finding it in even more dire need of greater beauty than the Feywild.
- Unsatisfied with the limited scale of her efforts there, she began to experiment with grander magics . . .
Even by pixie standards, Lilybloom is tiny, standing only six inches high; in fact, her fairy dragonling familiar/attendant Glitterwing is almost twice her size. But few people notice, for the little fairy has more than enough spunk and confidence to make up for her small stature; she's royalty in several ways, and she acts the part. The fact that she usually rides in style atop the elaborate headdress of her owlbear manservant Monsieur Owlbert Wintersong Loratio Bearnard Esteban Antillion Renfeld the Third (or "Jeeves," for short) certainly helps, of course.
Lilybloom dresses to match her station; her glorious enchanted robes woven from solid moonlight would not be out of place in the galas of the Summer Court (in fact, she's won Best Dressed at the Grand Promenade thirty years running!), and her golden hair hangs in long and luxurious curls, framing an almost child-like face. Her eyes share the same color, and shine like pools of coalesced hopes and dreams. Her wings are delicate and curved like a butterfly's, and sparkle in the light like blue diamonds. All told, she's like an incarnation of everything beautiful in the Feywild.
Her magical implement of choice is a colorful paintbrush, comically large in her hands, from which drips a rainbow pigment, made from actual rainbows.