Walks in Rain
Warrior 4th
Normal Chi: 11
Wood Chi: 2 (Trees require water. You must regularly immerse yourself in water to regenerate Wood Chi.)
Chi Threshold: 13 / 26 / 39
Armored: 18 / 31 / 44
Awareness +5
Hardiness +10
Learning +5
Politics +10
Survival +5
Tactics +5
Wu Wei +5
Benevolence 4
Force 2
Honor 3
Loyalty 5
Righteousness 1
Ferocity 1
Individualism 1
Obsession 3
Revenge 1
Ruthlessness 4
External Styles
Shadow Catching
Speed: +15*
Footwork: +15**
Strike: +10 (Saber)
Damage: +10 (Saber)
Block: +0
Toughness: +5
5D : Reflecting on Freedom *
4D : Three Visions Reunion {Strike +5 on won init}
4D : Holding the Shadow {Toughness +5 on won init}
5D : Exceeding the Shadows **
Saber: Flood 1d to force Rippling on result of +5.
Internal Style
Boundless Prosperity Manual
1: Retain Balanced Nature {+5 vs. Disorient/Disrupt; Single Die}
2: Understand what you see {+10 Speed}
5E : Liquid Metall Delegates
2E : Treasure: Hidden Weapon
4E : Technique: Inevitable Death Sentence {No Fear on won init}
4E : Technique: Instant Killing Blow {Damage +5 on won init}