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Background and Personality

Vanalia has always been the nurturing type. Whether that's because of the burgeoning divine power within her, her deva sense of justice, or something else entirely, has never quite been clear, but whenever anyone needed a scraped knee or a black eye tended to, she's always been there to take care of it. Of course, she's always got a sarcastic word of advice for the situation, usually something along the lines of 'I told you so', but that's just how she is. The eternal older sister.

Vanalia's Mask

The mask was metal, heavy and black, almost featureless save for a deeply cut crescent with downward pointing horns was directly over the brow. The eye-holes were mere slits, and it lacked an opening for the mouth. Around the edges, rings were bored through the metal, and from these a colorful array of exotic feathers and beads of semi-precious gem hung by silken threads.

Game Statistics

Vanalia, Deva Cleric of Pelor, Level 1

  • Background: Forgotten Realms, Gray Vale
  • Theme: Alchemist

ABILITY SCORES Str 8, Con 12, Dex 10, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 18.

AC: 16 Fort: 11 Reflex: 11 Will: 16 HP: 24 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 6


Acrobatics -1 Dungeoneering +4 Intimidate +4 Streetwise +4 Arcana +6* Endurance 0 Nature +6 Thievery -1 Athletics -2 Heal +9* Perception +4 Bluff +4 History +5 Religion +10* Diplomacy +4 Insight +9* Stealth -1

FEATS Ritual Caster, Alchemist, Ancient Lore of the Dawn War.


  • At-will 1: Astral Seal
  • At-will 1: Lance of Faith
  • Encounter 1: Exacting Utterance
  • Daily 1: Astral Condemnation

CHANNELS Healer's Mercy, Divine Fortune.

ITEMS Ritual Book, Chainmail, Spear, Holy Symbol, Alchemy Case

RITUALS Create Holy Water, Brew Potion

FORMULAS Clearwater Solution