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Edge of Heaven
(Destiny 0)

This is the loresheet for the Edge of Heaven campaign. Unless otherwise noted, there is no cost to gain access to the loresheet elements below.


Blazing Beacon

  • 0 Bonus: All characters begin with 1 Involvement in Blazing Beacon.
  • 1+ Involvement: Perhaps you're here to make a name for yourself, or to see civilization returned, or propriety restored, or what have you. You're in the mix in the soon-to-be-booming town.
    • 1-2 Status: You’ve already made a name for yourself in town; have you done a good deed for the people, are you a friend of Duke Ko’s? If you’re new in town, how have you gotten such notice so quickly?
  • 2 Destiny: Duke Ko has, by hook and by crook, kept this town alive through the lean years, and he’s bound and determined to keep his position in the town. Whether a local or a newcomer, your destiny is intertwined with his.
  • 2 Fortune: Though still a small town, already a trickle of refugees from the east arrive, and soon the trickle will become a flood. Once per story, declare any newcomer to the town to be someone you know from 'back east'.

The Towns of Huangdi's Path

Jade Gate

  • 3 Fortune: The official story of how, when and why the Owl Legion left the Jade Gate is not the real one; you’ll discover the real story, and, as is usually the case in Shen Zhou, the past isn’t dead; it ain’t even past.
  • 2+ Treasure: You’ve visited the old fortress ahead of the returning Legion, and you’ve found something quite valuable — maybe a special weapon, maybe a relic, or combat manuals.
  • 1+ Involvement: You’re involved with the return of the Owl Legion, either as an advanced scout, or to aid in procurement of goods and services, or perhaps you’re a veteran yourself.
    • 1-3 Fortune: You have contacts within the Legion, and can usually find out what they’re up to.

The Silk Road

  • 1-5 Involvement: You are a player in the reopened Silk Road trading routes.
    • 0 Bonus: You gain a +5 Survival Specialty Bonus: Silk Road
  • 1-3 Status: You are known and respected among merchants and officials as a Player in the Silk Road Trade.
  • 2 Fortune: Once per story, declare a person or organization to be another player in the Silk Road trade.
  • 3+ Treasure: The Silk Road brings exotic goods of all kinds from strange lands — gold, silver, jade, glassware, strange wines, spices, beasts otherwise unknown to Shen Zhou, and more. One of these treasures has found its way into your possession.

Master Jun's Library

Empty Hand Desert

Qilin Mountains


Mountain Heart Sect

Ten-Thousand Clans Pact

The Storm Brother Clan

The Yuezhi

The Four Devil Ring

The Stone Pigs




Among the Wulin, one's sifu is due the kind of reverence and respect otherwise reserved for fathers and rulers. And like those relationships, one often inherits the blessings and the sins of one's teacher — her feuds become your feuds, the respect she has earned redounds to you. Those who share the same sifu can be bitterest rivals, but there can exist at the same time a bond, a sameness of vision that transcends rivalry and opposition.

  • 3+ Destiny/Involvement: Either you already are, or will soon be, embroiled in the schemes, feuds, and fortunes of your Sifu.
    • 1 Status: A portion of your Sifu's fame is reflected in you, and you are known among the Wulin as a "Student of (Sifu)."
    • 3+ Technique: Your sifu has taught you his signature move. Work with your Sage to craft it.
  • 5 Fortune: Once per story, you may declare that an NPC has a (positive) history with your Sifu.
  • 0/5 Disadvantage: Justly or unjustly, you sifu is anathema among the Wulin. Perhaps she is baneful, or has committed some great crime, but whatever the cause, it's serious enough to stain her and her students — you included — alike.