Character for Dem Bones
- Aldrick Ravenholt
- LG Human Paladin (6)
- Age: 21
Background and appearance
Aldrick is a dark haired man with a noble bearing. Raised on stories of his ancestors of the now fallen house of Ravenholt as well as the tenents of the goodly gods, he has taken up the mantle of a wandering knight. Yet for all the righteous wrath that this youth may rise to when faced with fell creatures, then years of stern upbringing (not to mention a good bit of thrashing) has instilled him with quite the courteous manner's. Even if he has to remind himself of this after a social blunder...
Str: 16 +3 (15 + 1 level)
Dex: 10 +0
Con: 14 +2 Int: 10 +0
Wis: 12 +1 Cha: 16 +3
HP: 52 (10 + 30 + 12)
AC: 22 (10 + 8 + 3 + 1)
Touch AC: 10
Initiative: +0
Fort: +10 (+5 + 1 + 1 + 3)
Ref: +6 (+2 + 0 + 1 + 3)
Will: +7 (+2 + 1 + 1 + 3)
Size: Med
Spd: 20 (30 no armor)
Melee: +9/+4
Ranged: +6/+1
Warhammer +1:
+10/+5 1d8+4 20/x3
Masterwork Lance: +10/+5 1d8+3 20/x3
Class abilities
- Aura of good, detect evil, aura of courage, divine grace, divine health
- Smite evil 4/day, +1d6 damage (improved smite)
- Lay on hands 18 hp
- Turn undead 6/day, lvl 3
- concentration 2 + 1 = 3
- diplomacy 4 + 3 = 7
- handle animal 4 + 3 = 7
- heal 4 + 1 = 5
- knowlege nobilty 2 + 0 = 2
- knowledge religion 2 + 0 = 2
- ride 5 + 0 + 2 for saddle = 7
- sense motive 2 + 1 = 3
- spot 1 + 1 = 2
- 1: Power attack
- 1 human: Cleave
- 3: Improved smiting
- 6: Extra smiting (+2 extra)
Spells memorized
2 lvl 1 spells
- Divine favor
- Protection from Chaos/Evil
Wealth and items
Money: 2405 gold pieces
Magic Items: Cloak of Resistance +1 , Half-Plate +1 , Shield +1 (Heavy/Metal) , 2xWand of Cure Light Wounds (50), Warhammer +1
Normal Items: Masterwork Lance, Dagger, Bedroll,Bit and Bridle, Blanket (Winter), Cheese (Hunk), 5 x horse Feed (Per Day), Flint and Steel, Handaxe, Healer's Kit, Holy Symbol (Silver), Ink (1 Oz. Vial), Inkpen, Lantern (Hooded), 4xOil (1 Pt. Flask), Outfit (Explorer's), Noble's Outfit, 5xParchment (Sheet), Pot (Iron), Rope (Silk/50 Ft.), Saddle (Military), 1xSalt (Per Lb.), 10xTindertwig, Torch, Waterskin, 10xTrail rations, saddlebags, riding saddle (mule), 2xSacks, Barding (Chainmail)
Aldricks trusted steed:
Paladin Heavy warhorse 'Sirion'.
Barding (Chainmail)
Military saddle and lance.
Tricks? Attack
HP: 51 AC: 22(10 -1 size, +1 Dex, +3 natural + 4 paladin level adjustment + 5 chain) Fort: +8 Ref: +6 Will: +3
spell resistance: 11
Full attack, 2 hooves and 1 bite Hoof: +7/+7 1d6+4
Bite: +2 1d4+2 20/x2
Improved evasion Share spell Share saves Scent improved speed Command other horses
Rufus the Mule who carries most of Aldrick's posessions
'Rufus'. Tricks: Stay, Heel