Session 223
Chapter 31
-->| YOU (Angelo) have joined #Nobilis
<Angelo> Heya!
<Verithe> Hi, Angelo!
<BethE> Hi Angelo! *HUG*
<Angelo> Hi Verite!
<Verithe> Yay, job! We'll miss you, Laz.
<Angelo> Hi Beth! *HUG*
<Lazarus> hey Angelo
<Angelo> Laz + job = no game?
<Lazarus> I'm incredibly happy with this job, and am hoping that in a few weeks I'll get into the swing of it.
<Angelo> what kind of job is, laz?
<Lazarus> Programming. Maintenance stuff, mostly, but still.
<Verithe> brb....I need to find a snack that is not sweet.
<BethE> (And he has to get up early in the morning, so he has to get used to that first. :) )
<Random_Nerd> Still, work in your field.
-->| Knockwood ( has joined #Nobilis
<Lazarus> indeed!
<Knockwood> Hi guys
<Angelo> Hi knock!
<Lazarus> work in-field with pay slightly better than what Sara makes
<Angelo> prog maintenance -in field- ?
<Lazarus> (which is still about the lowest I've seen for programming work, mine that is - Sara's is security, so quite high for what she does :p)
<Lazarus> "in field" = "in my vocation / profession"
<Lazarus> well. Have a good game, guys, and I'll see y'all in a few weeks!
<Random_Nerd> Okay.
<Angelo> ah! not driving around from client to client
<Random_Nerd> Good luck with the new job.
- Angelo feels sad for that collateral damage!
<Knockwood> Brian's fading into the background for a while?
|<-- Lazarus has left (Disintegrated: Never put off till tomorrow, what you can do the day after tomorrow)
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, for a couple weeks.
<Angelo> so no revolution for a while
- Angelo bow to dramatic timing
<Knockwood> Dang, I'll have to return the banner and cake.
=-= BethE is now known as Theresa
=-= Verithe is now known as Kite
=-= Knockwood is now known as DanteE
<Kite> What were we doing last week!
<Theresa> We could put Brian in a rock and then throw him at Entropy.
<DanteE> (any further word on Chuubo, BTW?)
<Angelo> eh, I need to be filled with what I missed :-(
<Random_Nerd> (It's not quite ready to begin playtest.)
<Random_Nerd> Last week, you met the Angel of Mars.
<Angelo> also I can put on the log that we we'll playtest it?
<Kite> (And, hurrah for leftover spaghetti saving me from an apartment full of persimmons, sweet red beans and...rainbow red kira-kira kiwis!)
<Random_Nerd> Who apparently at one point got freaky with an ant.
<Kite> Ah, that's right.
<DanteE> (dang it, firewall update)
<Kite> (You need waterwalls)
<Angelo> (cakewall)
<Kite> (ooh!)
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> And you found out that, like Ymir, the Angel of Mars is kinda... diminished.
<Random_Nerd> In his case, it seems at least in part linked to something Entropy or Baalhermon did.
<Ftisk> ookay
<DanteE> gotta earn those bad guy merit badges somehow
<Theresa> (Okay, fess up, which Noble came up with this one?!-Penguins-in-need-RPG.knitters-THIS-IS-YOUR-HOUR )
<Random_Nerd> Plus, Entropy don't want no competition.
<Random_Nerd> You wanna run the War, or at least the local part, and the Angel of War lives in town?
<Random_Nerd> Gotta do something about that.
<DanteE> are we sure about Entropy's involvement, or just Baalhermon's?
<Random_Nerd> To the extent that you believe Sammael, Entropy was involved at least insofar as directing Baalhermon.
<Kite> Does Jerren have all of Entropy's Nobles at his disposal or just one of them?
<Random_Nerd> Just one.
<Random_Nerd> And just for the present time.
<DanteE> Sammael basically believes Baalhermon is strictly a tool, right?
<Kite> And one of Jerren's Estates is Sudden, Yet Inevitable Betrayal, right?
<Theresa> A really really scary tool.
<Random_Nerd> Yes, that is correct.
<Random_Nerd> Something Entropy unleashes at things he doesn't like.
<Ftisk> he say verbatim that without direction Baalhermon will do nothing
<Ftisk> also Killing Entropy will kill his Nobles?
<Random_Nerd> And he made comparison with the standard Angelic approach to Nobles.
<Ftisk> or Jerren can (rite of) rescue B.?
<Random_Nerd> Killing an Imperator usually, but not always, kills his Nobles.
<Random_Nerd> Sometimes one can be grafted onto a living imperator.
<Random_Nerd> So, what do you guys intend to do now?
<Random_Nerd> I have some stuff I can bring in if you're low on ideas.
<Ftisk> have a talk with Jerren!
<Theresa> (Nobles can also be...borrowed.)
<Random_Nerd> But I don't want to do another NPC-directed plot this soon after the Barakiel thing if you have ideas.
<DanteE> We could go after the things on our Destiny maps...
<Theresa> (Brain slow tonight.)
<Random_Nerd> Yes! Do that!
<Random_Nerd> That's what they're for!
<Kite> Kite wants to check on his cult, if we have nothing better to do.
<Random_Nerd> That works!
<Random_Nerd> That's been on the backburner for a while.
<DanteE> would anyone else get Destiny from trying to figure out what happened on Breach Day?
<Kite> We could probably also check on Caesar while doing so, but I wouldn't know what to talk to Caesar about.
<DanteE> We could ask him why he chose that day to come back
<Kite> Not unless Breach Day is related to one of my projects in a way I am not yet aware.
<Theresa> I forget...does Caesar have war-related estates?
<Kite> The only one I can remember is Active Writing.
<DanteE> ah... that and Deodands and ....
<Random_Nerd> Deodands are /kinda/ war-related.
<Random_Nerd> At least, in that wars create a lot of them.
<DanteE> the Law of the Name?
<Random_Nerd> The Law of One's Nature is fairly war-neutral.
<Random_Nerd> But basically, Caesar isn't martial in character because of his estates.
<Random_Nerd> He is just because he's that kind of guy.
<Theresa> Ah. Then he might want to find out how we're doing. And about the Lawbreaker.
<DanteE> and because he appeared when all hell was breaking loose
<DanteE> We could let JbJ know what happened
<DanteE> There were a couple minor things...
<DanteE> first, I wanted to ask William to check out my theory I mentioned last session about the Entropy prophecy
<Ftisk> theory?
<DanteE> then I was going to ask JbJ just what the rules of his prophecies were.
<Theresa> Rules?
<DanteE> Ftisk: that the confusion about Entropy both saving and destroying Creation is because someone conflated Creation and Earth when translating things.
<DanteE> Theresa: It's to stave off the prophecy involving him.
<Ftisk> oh! Intriguing
<DanteE> It may be that he doesn't know the rules, which is how he winds up breaking them.
<Random_Nerd> He knows /some/ rules.
<Random_Nerd> He knows about how to /get/ prophecies, and how he must treat them.
<Random_Nerd> But the prophecies themselves... they seem to come from somewhere else.
<DanteE> I'm assuming wherever he's getting his prophecies from knows all the rules.
<Random_Nerd> The results can surprise him.
<DanteE> So, if someone asks him about the rules...
<Theresa> They'd have to pay to get that knowledge.
<Random_Nerd> And pay what it's worth.
<Random_Nerd> And if that's knowledge that Jan himself doesn't have...
<Random_Nerd> ...then it probably costs a lot.
<Random_Nerd> So, we have two proposed agendas.
<Ftisk> ... like my question!
<Random_Nerd> Kite's Cult, Dante's investigations into JbJ.
<Random_Nerd> Which shall we do first?
<Ftisk> Kite! Because is my brother! :-D
<Theresa> Let's visit Kite's Cult. We might pick up more ideas.
<DanteE> so we assume I asked William about that off screen?
<Random_Nerd> Which theory would this be?
<DanteE> the theory that the confusion about Entropy both saving and destroying Creation is because someone conflated Creation and Earth when translating things.
<DanteE> if someone gave Entropy the same choice Ymir gave me...
<DanteE> he might choose to sacrifice Creation for Earth.
<Random_Nerd> Ah, okay.
<Random_Nerd> Should we start with William answering that?
<DanteE> if he has an answer
<Ftisk> 'key
<Random_Nerd> That way, we have Dante Bit, then Kite Cult, then Dante Bit?
<Random_Nerd> __________________START_______________
<Kite> That works for me.
<Random_Nerd> William paces around a bit.
<Ftisk> (also I'll pester T)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Now that... that is an /interesting/ question."
<Random_Nerd> William: "The other ones were significant, but that one..."
- Ftisk land on Theresa shoulder
<DanteE> "It's a definite possibility if the prophecy went through mortal hands at some point."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Yes, there is genuine ambiguity there. According to the versions of Entropy's prophecy that seem the strongest, Entropy will either save or doom 'The World.' "
<Random_Nerd> William: "People generally assume that this means 'Creation.' But as you've noted... there's some ambiguity there."
- Theresa rubs her forehead. "I don't want to explain to other worlds why Entropy is ditching them."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Could mean Creation. Could mean Earth. Could even mean Creation /and/ the Lands Beyond."
<Ftisk> "T... so no file no comfy chair and no bathtub here ... right?"
<DanteE> "That's why I'm asking you. Tracing it back to its source might reveal something."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Well, here's what I know about that prophecy."
<Random_Nerd> William: "First, it does /not/ come from Jan ben Jan. It's occasionally been attributed to him, but never reliably."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Second, the original is /not/ in Angelic. It's in one of several Earthly languages."
<Ftisk> "but can I have a rav-ehm I mean a party here? Me and some lil friends? Please Theresa, pretty please????"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit are the most plausible ones."
<Theresa> (Where are we, by the way? In the batzepplin on the way to Dionyl?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "This is relevant, because if it was Angelic, we'd know whether it meant Earth, Creation, or something else."
<Random_Nerd> (Sure, that works.)
<Kite> "What little friends, Ftisk?"
<Theresa> "It's Kite's zeppelin, Ftisk. It would be up to him about parties."
<Ftisk> "The team of -catch you in my spiderweb-!"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Third, people, including Imperators, take the prophecy seriously. I'm... not entirely sure why this is."
<Random_Nerd> William: "But it's not just fear of Entropy."
<DanteE> "So, it all depends on what some mortal meant by 'The World'"
<Ftisk> "aehm yes Kite zeppelin but the shoulder is your"
<Random_Nerd> William: "Yeah. Human languages are good for art, but not for... prophetic precision."
<Ftisk> "also we are only a dozen, they are all *selected* well mannered, I swear well mannered spiders"
<DanteE> "What's the earliest reference you've heard of?"
<Kite> (Ooh! Can I still be a Dionyl, from the transformation Ftisk performed on Kite on Mars?)
<Random_Nerd> (Sure.)
<Ftisk> (sure)
=-= Kite is now known as DionylKite
<Random_Nerd> (It'll last until something turns you into not-a-Dionyl, or you do something about it.)
<DionylKite> (Yesss!)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Does that help any?"
<Theresa> "Uhh...I would appreciate that any parties held on my shoulder not leave any lasting-more-than-2-hours mess on my hair or person."
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, wait, earliest version...)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Definitely Pre-Aides."
<Ftisk> "That mean yess? Yatta!!!!"
<DanteE> "Ftisk!
<Ftisk> "what Dante?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "There seem to be some authenticated mentions as far back as Early Third Age."
<DionylKite> "Just don't forget the restrictions!"
<DanteE> "Can you locate the earliest version of the Entropy prophecy?"
<Random_Nerd> William: "I know it existed when Entropy took the lead on the Council of Four."
<Random_Nerd> William: "But most of that stuff's... oral folklore."
<Ftisk> "I can try!"
<Random_Nerd> (Okay. How are you defining what you're looking for with the miracle?)
- Ftisk do a divination trying to find a paper version or someone that remember that prophecy (add 3 strike because Ftisk is curious also "all version of the prophecy that someone/something know from direct being there when it happen")
<Ftisk> (is ok as definition?)
<Random_Nerd> (Okay. The earliest written versions that you can detect are in a variety of languages. They were written by early Nobles [remember, this is when Earth was first getting on a War-footing] or the servants of Nobles or Imperators. The exact wording varies slightly.)
<Random_Nerd> (There is one near-universal factor in the very oldest versions.)
<Random_Nerd> (It was something that their Imperator mentioned in passing, like it was something that everyone already knew about.)
<Ftisk> (and... ?)
<DanteE> (cue dramatic music)
<Random_Nerd> (Like... "Oh, that Entropy's a big thing lately. Isn't he the one who will either save or doom the world with his familiarity with the ways of the Enemy?")
<Random_Nerd> (The same way that people know that Kudzu tends toward autocannibalism, or Barakiel's nuts.)
<Ftisk> (can this imply that Entropy was one of the enemy lot?)
<Random_Nerd> (Like it was just a fact about him that Imperators tended to know, but didn't see as a big deal until the Council stuff started.)
<Random_Nerd> (It could. Or maybe he was just an early scholar of High Summoning.)
<Ftisk> (or a mimic)
<Random_Nerd> (He'd have to be one of the very first mimics.)
<Random_Nerd> (But it's possible.)
<Ftisk> (then that is Ftisk preferred interpretation)
<Random_Nerd> (Especially if the Excrucians began their attack sooner than it's generally supposed.)
<Ftisk> (or him was an exception)
<DanteE> (Well, put what you've got on disk and we'll hand it off to William)
<Ftisk> (we are full of weird cases in this game...)
<Ftisk> "oook"
- Ftisk put all the divination give me on a disk labeled -is Lord Entropy a Mimic?-
<Random_Nerd> William: "What'd you get, Dominus Ftisk?"
<DanteE> (Hm... maybe I should put a branch on my map 'Figure out how to spot Mimics')
<Ftisk> "I fell like Lord Entropy can be Mimic Entropy, but here are the fact, revise them and come to your conclusion"
<Ftisk> "also Will, do you think spiders will like more fleas or mosquitoes?"
<DanteE> to William: "You know, in case you didn't have enough stress."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Hmm. That's interesting..."
<Random_Nerd> To Ftisk: "Fleas."
- Ftisk nod
<Random_Nerd> William: "So, it's not like a 'prophecy', exactly. Just... something about the future that beings only loosely tied to time happen to know."
<Random_Nerd> William: "If there's a difference."
<Random_Nerd> William: "And if it's a fake, it was an /impressive/ fake. Good enough to convince a lot of Imperators."
- Ftisk try to catch a flea
<DanteE> "Wouldn't that mean, somewhere, it's already happened?"
<Random_Nerd> William waves his hands in the air.
<Random_Nerd> William: "Define 'already happened.' And 'somewhere.' "
<Random_Nerd> Sam pokes his head in: "And 'mean'!"
<DanteE> (Once someone definitive tells me what 'is' is. :) )
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Anyway, we're nearly to Dionyl. It's farther than Mars, even mythically, but we're practically there."
<DionylKite> "Excellent!"
<DanteE> "OK... Sam, William, you know what we're trying to do... save Creation."
<DanteE> "To that end, anyone have ideas, observations, concerns, I want to hear them."
<Random_Nerd> William: "Hmm."
<Theresa> "It's like the Age Imperators. They're always there but until stuff actually happened, no one knew about the current Third Age Imperator."
<Random_Nerd> William: "So, Creation. Including Earth, but not /specifically/?"
<DanteE> "I really don't want to have to choose."
<Random_Nerd> William: "I know. But... if you have to..."
<DionylKite> "I think Jerren is going to turn Baalhermon on Entropy and Ananda knows."
<Ftisk> "I'll save creation ... is bigger!"
<Random_Nerd> W: "Best it not be a sudden spur of the moment decision."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I vote that we save Dionyl too."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Uh, are we voting?"
<DionylKite> "I also vote on saving Dionyl too."
<DanteE> "We're going to _try_ to save all of Creation.
<DanteE> "There. Nothing like trying the impossible."
<Random_Nerd> William: "What about the Lands Beyond?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Kick reality to the curb and do the..."
<DanteE> (that's beyond the Wall, right?)
<Random_Nerd> William: "Sam. You are /not/ that guy with the sunglasses."
<Random_Nerd> (Yes.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "...details."
<DionylKite> "Ideally, we'll be able to share Estates with the Lands Beyond and save all of Creation at the same time."
<DanteE> "Let's try this. Give me two lists of Imperators...
<Random_Nerd> William: "On Earth, or Creation-wide?"
<DanteE> "One who might be on our side about meeting Vassa..."
<DanteE> "Another of any who've been acting... weird lately."
<Ftisk> "Meeting Vassa! I forgot!"
<Random_Nerd> William: "There will be overlap."
<DanteE> "And yes, I realize weird is very relative."
<Random_Nerd> William: "A lot of overlap."
<Ftisk> "Deeeear sweet Theresa, can I have an after meeting Vassa party too?"
<DanteE> "What Ftisk said makes me wonder if we have deep-cover Mimics around."
<DionylKite> "We should probably narrow down the Vassa list to ones who would actually help us politically."
<Theresa> "Define weird-lately."
<Ftisk> "I'm sure there are Dante"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "You mean weird, or weirder than usual?"
<DanteE> "Weirder than usual.
<DionylKite> "I mean, more Kudzu-like Imperators would probably not be a good idea."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "To calibrate... where would Barakiel go?"
<Theresa> "I don't know, Ftisk. It will probably depend on how alive we are, afterwards."
<DanteE> "With the Age End coming they might be showing themselves."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Yes or no for 'weirder than usual'?"
<Ftisk> "alive is overrated! We can be zombie!"
<Theresa> "Well, we did just figure out...err, cause, why he acts weird..."
<DanteE> "Yeah, he's on his own list."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "What about Caesar? Jerren? They're weird, but new."
<DanteE> "and when we get back get me everything the Society has on Mimic-spotting."
<DanteE> "We'll soon know.
<Ftisk> "While you are doing lists Dante, add Galamalaliel on that"
<Random_Nerd> William: "You want into on applied Mimic-Spotting? We're not the ones you should talk to."
<Ftisk> "is Patterns dad, came up in my talks to JbJ"
<Random_Nerd> William: "There's Night and his faction, and there's Patterns."
<Random_Nerd> William: "For them, it's a whole big thing."
<DanteE> (Who's in Night's familia?)
<Random_Nerd> (Let's see...)
<DionylKite> (Martyrs?)
<Random_Nerd> (Damn, I know this one... Martyrs, yes.)
<Random_Nerd> (And some without major roles in the game.)
<Random_Nerd> (But we know that Electricity and Copper, and the previous Bone, were part of his Mimic-paranoid cleave.)
<DanteE> (Lord Not-Appearing-In-This-Creation(-yet), got it)
<Random_Nerd> (Angst! That's it, the other one!)
<Random_Nerd> (Night, Martyrs, and Angst.)
<Random_Nerd> (Really cheerful dinner conversation, that lot.)
<DanteE> (The Great Goth Trio)
<Random_Nerd> (None of them are actually goth.)
<Random_Nerd> (Night generally looks like an older guy of the professional class.)
<Random_Nerd> (Martyrs wears either conservative grey clothing, or no skin.)
<Random_Nerd> (And Angst dresses like a player character from Saints' Row 2 who walked into the costume store and said 'get me one of everything'.)
<DanteE> (Anyhoo, aren't we pulling into Chateau Gaius?)
<Random_Nerd> (I thought you were going to see about Kite's cult first.)
<DanteE> (Oh, right)
<Ftisk> (yay Kite first)
<Random_Nerd> (Which is currently operating out of Dionyl, because they need to see what works to prep people for Assembly-learning on Dionyl.)
<Random_Nerd> Sam pulls the zeppelin in on a currently relatively unoccupied area of grey desert.
<DanteE> (OK, handing the RP off to Kite while I go to the can. :) )
<Random_Nerd> Scattered around are a large number of large polished stones.
<Random_Nerd> Most are roughly cubical, but there are other shapes.
<Random_Nerd> There are also a few Dionyl shelters nearby, each made in a single curved piece.
<DionylKite> (Hearts! Stars! Clovers! Moons!)
<Random_Nerd> Standing by one, you see the Spear and Jonathan.
- Ftisk weave
<Random_Nerd> You also see a smaller Dionyl, about knee-height, standing behind the two.
<Ftisk> (the triad's work?)
<Random_Nerd> (Well, that's how things work here.)
<DionylKite> (I should have Gil here...)
<Random_Nerd> Sam brings the zeppelin down.
<Random_Nerd> (He's currently in Locus Vulcan unless you brought him over.)
<Random_Nerd> (Where do you want him to be?)
<Theresa> (They had a kid?!?)
- Ftisk shouts to Spear pointing to the kid "Is that an extremely good assembly?"
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Not... precisely."
<DionylKite> (Can I summon Gil here if I have Treasure 3?)
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "This just... well, we'd been working together closely on Locus Vulcan, and of course nothing happened when we were there. But once we came here for this phase..."
<Random_Nerd> (Let me check.)
<Theresa> "Ah. Are congratulations acceptable?"
<DanteE> (BAK... huh. Gadhafi's dead.)
- Ftisk zap something random into a cigar box
<Theresa> "We have met Noble the Triad and he is very active and boisterous." *smile*
- Ftisk gives to anyone a cigar, already lighted
<Random_Nerd> (Treasure 4 gets you access to your anchor from, like, across a Chancel.)
<Random_Nerd> (But not across worlds.)
<DanteE> (and Theresa can pull cigars out of her ears.)
<Random_Nerd> (Level 7 gets you him from anywhere.)
<Random_Nerd> (So, a Deep Treasure Miracle can summon Gil.)
<Theresa> (I prefer chocolate.)
<Ftisk> (yeah Dante but Ftisk is rapt by the magic that a child born is)
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Yes, congratulations are in order. We didn't exactly plan this... but since it happened, that means that there is, on some level, compatibility."
<DionylKite> (That's a bit much for just summoning Gil. Kite will make do with brain waves.)
<DanteE> (... anyone else just flash back to that TNG episode with Data's daughter?)
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Otherwise, he wouldn't have been... viable."
<Theresa> (I liked her. :) )
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "We worried about that, at first. But it wasn't a problem. Didn't even need stabilizing."
- Ftisk hand the kid a cigar: "Celebrate!!!"
<DionylKite> "I'm pleased."
- DanteE makes sure to guise to a Dionyl before appearing
<Ftisk> "Can I play with him a bit? What is your name toddler?"
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "So. First off, it isn't possible to teach dionyl how Assembly works without you being here."
<Random_Nerd> Little Dionyl, quietly: "Golden Puzzle."
<Theresa> (I'll stick as a human for a while.)
<Ftisk> "Is a niiice name!"
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "We can't even put the blocks of your temple together. It just... doesn't make sense, until suddenly it did, so we knew you were coming."
<Theresa> (Hmm. Maybe working together for Kite made them more compatible than they would have otherwise have been.)
<DanteE> (Isn't that a form of Assembly?)
- Ftisk play with Golden Puzzle ignoring the others
<Random_Nerd> (There is a certain amount of crossover between Assembly and the Triad.)
<Random_Nerd> (Which is probably why each world has one or the other.)
<Theresa> (Nah, I think that Triad handles it, like how I would handle "Trees" if there was a Noble of Trees on some other planet and Kudzu was a True God.)
<DionylKite> "That's not entirely unexpected. Hopefully we'll be able to iron out the problem of my absences in time. But for now, I am here to make sure things work."
<Random_Nerd> Golden Puzzle is a small Dionyl, a little less clearly humanoid in form than his/her parents, and wearing a loose robe.
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "So, since you're here, it's time for the people we've been telling about to, ah..."
- Theresa will LC a stump to sit upon.
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Assemble."
<Theresa> (Darn it, I would do an Avengers joke here if I could...)
- DionylKite would be grinning if he currently had a mouth capable of doing so.
<DionylKite> "Yes."
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "We have about eighty or ninety who're interested. And now that you're here, and they can see something impossible..."
<DanteE> "I still say you should go with the Lego temple."
<Random_Nerd> The Spear goes to their curved-roofed wooden shelter, and returns carrying a curled bronze horn.
<Random_Nerd> She holds it out to Kite.
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "They're waiting for you."
- DionylKite takes the horn.
<DionylKite> "Blowing through the horn is the signal?"
<Ftisk> "Can I fly with Golden Puzzle Jonathan?"
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Yes."
<Random_Nerd> (That was to Kite.)
- DionylKite toots the horn.
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "That would be very dangerous. She's still very young, and needs to stay out of the wind."
<DanteE> (they've invented the shofar?)
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "It would have to be in an enclosed form of transportation."
<Ftisk> "In a closed cockpit then?"
<Random_Nerd> (Oh, and the little one doesn't have a gender yet.)
<Ftisk> (oh! cute!)
<Random_Nerd> (That'll develop gradually over the next month and a half or so.)
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "Closed cockpit would be okay, if you were careful."
<Ftisk> "I'm a Power, you don't need to worry!"
<Theresa> (...)
- DanteE thinks "Yeah you do..."
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Your conclusions do not follow from your premises, Dominus."
=-= YOU are now known as miniF14Tisk
<Theresa> (Sam is probably choking...)
<Random_Nerd> Gradually, Dionyl are drifting in.
<miniF14Tisk> toGoldenPuzzle: "came on young Tom Cruise jump in!"
<Random_Nerd> A few are wearing pin-bonnets.
<Random_Nerd> Most are wearing similar garments, but made in one flexible piece.
<Random_Nerd> The little Dionyl looks at its parents, who nod, and then hops in.
<DionylKite> "Excellent!"
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "We couldn't make the bonnets when you aren't here. Things don't... hold together. But we've come up with a compromise."
- miniF14Tisk seal the cockpit and take off
<DanteE> "Please don't crash into anything, Ftisk."
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "It's made from a sort of sea creature, tanned properly to make the spikes stand up."
<miniF14Tisk> "Only the sound barrieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer Dante!"
<Random_Nerd> More Dionyl continue to drift in.
<Random_Nerd> The Spear stands up on top of one of the larger blocks, and holds in one hand the axe she made following her meeting Kite, with separate pieces for the haft and the head.
<DionylKite> "It works as a temporary substitute, I guess."
<Theresa> *quietly to Sam* "So, how would you compare human childhoods versus Dionyl childhoods? Is it dependent on the viewpoints of the parents?"
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "The time we told you of has arrived! These blocks we have carved and smoothed and brought here, it is time that they become part of one thing!"
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "You will all take part! And as you participate, you will learn to understand!"
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Like these blocks, you are all individuals, separate people. But here, through your efforts and the presence of our patron, you will be one!"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "It's... complicated."
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "Now, we weren't sure if you wanted to help this out with miracles, or just watch."
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "You know who your foremen are. Gather into the groups we have arranged."
<DanteE> to Kite: "What if you do part of it so they can see the rest?"
<DionylKite> "Is there mortar?"
<DanteE> "Or maybe assemble a model of the finished temple"
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "There are tools we have arranged for you. The pieces of wood and metal and fiber that you did not understand. We will show you how to assemble them. With them, you will lift the blocks."
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "The blocks will be put in place. And we will build the temple."
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "We have leaders who we think will learn it more quickly, to guide the others."
- miniF14Tisk do alternates inside and outside loops and some Cuban heights with a sprinkle of tailslide
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "But this is not mainly a physical task. It will require... enlightenment."
<Random_Nerd> The Spear hops down from her block, and starts to cycle among the groups of Dionyl standing around.
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "Is this... does it please you, Chytosideron?"
- Theresa ponders a bit. "Maybe sometime, in between apocalypi, I would like to be able to view a Dionyl children's school. I wonder if children of all sentient races are very similar to each other."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Nope."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Humans and Dionyl are, but that's not chance."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "We're... cousins."
<DanteE> (did we lose Kite?)
<Random_Nerd> (That'd be sucky timing.)
<DionylKite> "I am pleased, yes. Are you using adhesives at all?
<DionylKite> "
<DanteE> (Ah, no.)
<DionylKite> (sorry! fumbling with keys)
<Theresa> "Indeed. Both groups had a chance at becoming Imperial, if I remember Hope's Vision correctly."
<DanteE> (Tpyo, leave him alone!)
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "No. But based on the math we did, it will not be needed."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Maybe even both the /same/ kind of Imperator."
<DanteE> to Kite: "the math from Dionyl who don't understand assembly..."
<DionylKite> "Alright then. Not all building Assembly on Earth uses adhesives either. I just wanted to be sure."
<Random_Nerd> The groups start to put together levers, frameworks, block-and-tackle systems...
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "She does. I do. We did a lot of the planning in Locus Vulcan."
<DanteE> "Let's see the planss."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Something's happening out there. A worldsight thing."
<Random_Nerd> He goes back to the hut, and brings out several thick folders.
<DanteE> (the precoiussss planSSS! :P )
- DanteE looks for what Sam's talking about...
<Theresa> (Trust the minions, Dante! :) Plus, it's up to Kite as to trusting them.)
<Random_Nerd> The overall theme seems to be a pyramid, but decorated in a somewhat gothic style.
<Theresa> "Please let it not be Ftisk."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Can't you see it? Feel it?"
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Oh, wait. Noble. You're immune to that stuff."
<DanteE> "Yeah, we make our own, Sam..."
<Theresa> "Maybe Kite's neighbors are interested in the party."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "If this works, it /will/ hold together. Because they will all see the world in such a way that it would."
<Random_Nerd> Now blocks are actually being set on other blocks.
<Random_Nerd> Larger ones are being rolled on multiple logs to get into place.
<DionylKite> to Sam: "It will work."
<DanteE> "Looks promising, Kite..."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "I wasn't sure until now, but I think you're right."
<Random_Nerd> Sam: "Look, they're learning faster."
- miniF14Tisk do a low pass on the build place, upsidedown so Goldenpuzzle have a better vision
<DanteE> (Then again, how much of that is because Kite's right here?)
<Random_Nerd> All of the groups have at least most of their tools put together now, and they're getting to work on the block motions.
<Random_Nerd> It's /much/ faster than even Jonathan learned the puzzles.
<Random_Nerd> (Without Kite being on-world, this would all be the equivalent of unknowable Lovecraftian alien geometries.)
<Theresa> "It's amazing to watch, Kite. You have a good group here."
<DionylKite> (I imagine it's because I'm here and that there are a lot of Dionyl together.)
<DionylKite> "I'm so happy!"
<Random_Nerd> (Yes. Groups of Dionyl, at least Domination-aligned ones, reinforce the way they see the world.)
<Random_Nerd> (It's like you're making your own little Prosaic world here.)
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "This present one will only be big enough for about two hundred to meet inside, and a few dedicated clergy and a small library."
- DanteE looks over the plans with Kite
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "But when people see it..."
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "They'll know that a new thing is coming into the world."
<Random_Nerd> Most of the bottom layer is already complete.
<Random_Nerd> They work oddly quickly, especially given that Dionyl aren't as physically strong as humans in similar degrees of health.
<Random_Nerd> But the world they're building is one where groups can get things done that would be impossible for individuals.
<Random_Nerd> And so, for them, that's how the world is starting to work.
<Random_Nerd> The Spear comes back from talking to various groups.
<DanteE> (you may have invented the self-reinforcing cult)
<Random_Nerd> Spear, to Kite: "So, Dominus. We done good?"
<Random_Nerd> (Well, this is how Dionyl society /works/. At least, the Domination-oriented citystates.)
<DionylKite> "Yes, the Spear. I am very pleased."
<Random_Nerd> (They get a shared idea, and they build it up into a world to live in.)
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "It really is working. They're getting it."
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Some of them only have to /see/ it, now."
<miniF14Tisk> (but what will happen once kite leaver Dionyl?)
<DionylKite> (We'll find out!)
<Random_Nerd> (Indeed!)
<Random_Nerd> (The plan is that, once assembled, it will remain together.)
<miniF14Tisk> (I hope the pyramid don't broke....)
<Random_Nerd> (But we'll have to see how it works in practice, for things more complicated than a pin-bonnet or a puzzle.)
<Theresa> (Also, hope that the new folks don't become disaffected or disappointed if it doesn't work when Kite leaves.)
<Random_Nerd> (But remember, Kite isn't the power of Assembled Things. He's power of the act of Assembly.)
<Random_Nerd> (Here, that distinction is key.)
<DionylKite> (It is)
<miniF14Tisk> (nod nod)
<Random_Nerd> The second layer is coming up.
<Random_Nerd> The Spear goes into the hut, and comes out with a bronze plaque.
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "I cast this myself. It's one piece, but it's made with fault lines so we can break it and fit it back together."
<Random_Nerd> It's shaped like a puzzle, with the pieces assembled, which depicts a bird mask with sharp feathers.
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "It's the best symbol we could come up with."
<DanteE> to Kite: "You may be able to keep this going if you leave behind assemble-able models of the temple, so they can learn to take it apart and put it together again."
<DionylKite> "Excellent!"
<DanteE> "Or something like this.
<DionylKite> "Something like this is perfect."
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "The current plan is that, when Chytosideron is absent, we will prepare blocks, pieces. We will show the people the pieces, and the completed one. But they will not understand, for they have not seen."
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "And then he will come again to us, and they will /see/. And with their hands and minds, they will build."
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "And then, they will understand."
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "So, the fact that it only sometimes works... it's a feature. An initiation."
- DionylKite nods.
<DionylKite> "I hope to someday make it possible to Assemble even while I am away. But for now, this is a good plan."
<DionylKite> "Though I do not wish to never return."
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "If that day comes, things will change. But for now... we think this will work."
<DionylKite> "Yes. I also think this will work."
<DanteE> (Where's Ftisk & Puzzle?)
<Random_Nerd> The Dionyl working on the temple are increasingly unified. They're not just a bunch of people, it's like they've been doing this kind of thing together for years.
<Theresa> (Last we saw, they were doing barrel rolls around the temple.)
<miniF14Tisk> (we are flying around)
<Random_Nerd> The Spear takes the bronze casting, and carefully taps certain parts of the back with the blunt back of her axe.
<Random_Nerd> The puzzle pieces come apart.
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "Bronze is a thing we can make even without you, but... an alloy seemed appropriate."
- DionylKite nods
<miniF14Tisk> "Do you want to fire a rocket Puzzle?"
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle shakes his/her head.
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "Just wanna fly."
<miniF14Tisk> "Awww, ok!"
<DionylKite> (I'm relieved at Puzzle's response.)
<miniF14Tisk> (I'm not)
<DionylKite> (Haha)
<Random_Nerd> The frame of the sanctuary is complete.
<DanteE> (Yeah, damn shame you didn't get a chance to blow the temple to smithereens)
<miniF14Tisk> ( :-P also when better timing to fire a rocket that now? )
<Random_Nerd> The side rooms and the decorations still remain to be put together, but the core building is coming together.
<DionylKite> (Not now?)
<miniF14Tisk> (also Ftisk will aim to next citystate now this one)
<DionylKite> (The next citystate should be Caesar's, yes?)
<miniF14Tisk> (yep!)
<DionylKite> ( ._. )
<Random_Nerd> (Yes. Kite can build here, in part, because it's near Caesar, who helped smooth away some issues with local land politics.)
<Random_Nerd> (This isn't a citystate yet, or just a new one. But it has room to grow.)
<Random_Nerd> More of the building takes form. The library. The living spaces for the on-site priesthood.
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "I really think this is going to work."
<DionylKite> "I agree."
<miniF14Tisk> "Did you want to help with the finishing of the temple?"
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "I already understand Assembly. I came into being understanding it."
<miniF14Tisk> "Cool!"
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "My parents said... that the part of them that understood it, in each of them... that was the part of them that came together to make me."
<DanteE> (also computers. :)
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "I get to put the symbol on, when it's done!"
<miniF14Tisk> "then let's land, seem near done from here"
<Random_Nerd> And it's nearly to that point.
<Random_Nerd> The front of the building is like a slice carved out of the pyramid.
<Random_Nerd> There are two great wooden doors, and a circular place above them.
- miniF14Tisk land
<Random_Nerd> Behind them is the central meeting area, in the center of the pyramid.
<Random_Nerd> The sides are where the lesser rooms are.
<miniF14Tisk> with the Transformers transformation sound playing Ftisk return to snail shape
<Random_Nerd> Spear: "To hold it in place, we have bolts."
=-= YOU are now known as Ftisk
<Random_Nerd> Jonathan: "If you don't mind, we've told the little one that she can put the symbol in place."
<DionylKite> "Bolts are good."
- Ftisk fly to Theresa shoulder
<DionylKite> "I don't mind at all. It seems fitting that she should be the one to place the symbol."
<Theresa> "Hello, Ftisk, Puzzle." *smile* "What did you think of flying, Puzzle?"
<DanteE> (Does Dionyl have quakes or storms?)
<DionylKite> (It doesn't have volcanoes!)
<DionylKite> (Yet...)
- Ftisk wink to puzzle
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "I will want to do it again."
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "What you became... it is a made thing, yes?"
<DanteE> "He is a made thing."
<Ftisk> "is an aircraft, is an assembled thing, yes is made"
<Random_Nerd> (Some citystates have storms and quakes. Others do not.)
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "A thing of a kind that, when we learn and when Chytosideron is here, we will be able to make?"
<DanteE> (Just want to check how stable this place is.)
<Ftisk> "and people without wing use aircrafts to fly"
<DanteE> "Well... one step at a time.
<DanteE> "Build simple things first, then go from there."
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "That is how we do things, here."
- Ftisk look at Kite yes is possible"
<Theresa> (Aww, the Dionyl Orville Wright.)
<Random_Nerd> Puzzle: "Is it time?"
<Ftisk> (D.O. Wright)
<Random_Nerd> Both parents nod.
<DionylKite> (G.P. Wright)
<Random_Nerd> Golden Puzzle scampers up the framework at the front.
<Random_Nerd> The pieces of the puzzle are raised up, one at a time, on a pulley.
<Random_Nerd> She puts each in place until it's complete, and then tightens the side-bolts.
<DionylKite> (They made pulleys! Kite is so proud!)
<Random_Nerd> (Mind if we stop here?)
<Random_Nerd> (They were putting them together earlier!)
<DanteE> (That's OK)
<DionylKite> (Sure)
<Random_Nerd> ____________________STOP__________________
<Ftisk> (wait until the temple is done?)
<Theresa> Awww! ^^
<Random_Nerd> (With that, it's done.)
<DanteE> I think it is
<Theresa> It doesn't explode, like some Indiana Jones temple.
<Ftisk> (oh, well ok!)
=-= DionylKite is now known as Verithe
=-= YOU are now known as Angelo
<Theresa> Although now, I guess Dionyl will create an Indiana Jones.
<DanteE> (You sure?)_
=-= DanteE is now known as Knockwood
<Random_Nerd> So, is this what Kite was looking for, Verithe?
<Verithe> Yes.
<Angelo> I _know_ temple construction is only a BIG cliffhsnger to temple explosion!
<Knockwood> So, I'm guessing Kite gets a pile of Destiny.
<Angelo> also yay! Golden P was cool
<Random_Nerd> I figure this count as a Revelation for his religion-building project.
<Random_Nerd> Any objections?
<Angelo> nope
=-= Theresa is now known as BethE
<Knockwood> OK by me
<BethE> I'm good. :)
<BethE> And I like little Puzzle too.
<BethE> But I'm a sucker that way.
<Verithe> I'll have to go back and count up all Destiny for the project, but that might have completed it.
<Verithe> Or got me a stone or whatever the correct terminology is.
<Random_Nerd> Yeah, that's what I figured.
<Angelo> bbbbbut... he don't like to blow out things! O.o
<Knockwood> Upon this stone you shall build your, uh, cult...
<Random_Nerd> There's still plenty of room to build on.
<Random_Nerd> Just one building and a hundred, hundred and fifty people for now.
<Verithe> Right.
<Random_Nerd> But it's a start.
<Angelo> he(kite) made the root, now he need the trunk and the leafs
<Knockwood> so, what did I get?
<Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<Random_Nerd> Let me look at yours.
<Knockwood> BTW, I added a 'Figure out how to spot mimics' branch
<Angelo> a wark handshake?
<Verithe> Kite wants Vulcan to be important to all of the Ash, like the Angels are, so this is a very small step.
<Knockwood> been a while since I played Riven, Angelo, but I don't think I want a handshake from a whark
<Angelo> Riven?
<Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<Angelo> ah, wawrk = warm
<Random_Nerd> Mostly what you've done today is learn background about Entropy.
<Random_Nerd> Where do you see that fitting in?
<Knockwood> Figure out what's going to happen
<Knockwood> and possibly Save the world. :)
<Random_Nerd> Hmm.
<Knockwood> at least an attempt in that direction
<Random_Nerd> This was mostly a matter of "ask a mortal NPC, one Noble performs a miracle."
<Random_Nerd> So, trivial victory toward that?
<Knockwood> Well, is it setting things up to earn more points later?
<Random_Nerd> Potentially.
<Knockwood> or did we go chasing wild geese again?
<Random_Nerd> It tells you some things about Entropy, and some things about prophecies.
<Random_Nerd> And both are important to what's going to happen./
<Random_Nerd> Gives you approaches to learning more, too.
<Knockwood> Workable. :)
<Random_Nerd> Talk to Imperators who were around at the time, for instance.
<Random_Nerd> Research the history of the Council.
<Knockwood> (what's this session number?)
<Angelo> 223
<Knockwood> thanks
<Random_Nerd> Okay, see you all next week?
<Angelo> yep!
<Verithe> Take care!
<Knockwood> ayep...
<Angelo> I go, have a nice night/morning/evening all
<Knockwood> cya Angelo
<BethE> Night, guys! :) *HUGS*
<Verithe> Night, Beth!
<Knockwood> g'nigt Beth
|<-- BethE has left (Disintegrated: All shall love me and despair?)
|<-- Random_Nerd has left (Disintegrated: )
<Knockwood> guess I'll go too.
<Knockwood> have fun with your new cult, and don't break anything. :)
<Verithe> Take care, Knock!
|<-- Knockwood has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928134238])
<Verithe> Me? Break things? Never!
- Verithe knocks over a priceless Ming vase.
<Verithe> Take care, Angelo!
|<-- Verithe has left (Disintegrated: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928134238])
<--| YOU (Angelo) have left #Nobilis
Chapter 31