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"I am everywhere, and nowhere."


Name: Shire

Age: ?

Race: Inscrutable Force

Power Level: ?

Position: Random Universal Plot Device?

Eyes: Golden

Fur: Purple-ish


Shire seems to shift between a humanoid with purple hair, cat ears and a tail to a full purple kitty form, and everything in between. Usually has a big grin on his face like he knows something you don't, which he normally does.


If one looks hard enough, one can find mention of a being resembling Shire in many places and worlds, usually associated with those who he finds amusing. He seems to have no goals other than to have fun, and any concrete information on his goings on seemingly involve cryptic comments that can either be really useful or utterly pointless. Oddly enough his death has been reported many, many times. He also appears to have been involved with TIME in the past, though not as an adventurer, and apparently has met many a gruesome end at their hands when they got sick of him.


Fun loving in his own way, likes to dispense "sage" (or useless) advice, but also possesses a kind of non-malicious smugness that gets really annoying. He's not much for playing, his main hobby seems to be being helpful in as unhelpful a way as possible to those who don't want it. Many often find him rage-inducing in his obfuscation of what should be clear advice.


As far as anyone can tell, Shire has absolutely no offensive combat abilities. His claim that "I am everywhere, and nowhere" seems to be as apt a description for his main power as any. He appears where he wants, goes where he wills, and vanishes without a trace. One would think this would be epic level awesome for spying, or rescuing, or even stealing everything that isn't nailed down and buying the multiverse with your wealth. You would be wrong. He's distinctly amoral, seems without need of anything, and works only for his own amusement. This can be helpful to a point, as he might be able to give you a clue to move you along if he feels like it, but it runs into his infuriating tendency to make something simple into something complex. His only other power seems to be his curious brand of immortality. Shire dies really easy. Like, mook-kill easy. If Tyroth is the Worf, Shire is the entire cast of Redshirts. Yet he always comes back somehow. Usually when he finds it funny.


He seems to act only when he thinks it will net him something to amuse him, though this may be a ruse. His active involvement with TIME in the past and his decision to return now that an unreasonable facsimile is in action suggests he likes something about what they do.

Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers