Torin Krinith
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Character Name | Player Name | Career Path | Ship's Role | Rank | Experience |
Torin Krinith | Cyphr | Missionary | Chief Chirugeon | 1 | 6000 |
Home World | Birthright | Lure of the Void | Trials and Travails | Motivation | Lineage |
Imperial World | Child of the Creed | Zealot - Favoured of the Faithful | Dark Voyage | Renown | N/A |
Weapon Skill | Ballistic Skill | Strength | Toughness | Agility | Intelligence | Perception | Willpower | Fellowship | Wounds | Fate | Insanity | Corruption |
27 | 40 | 30 | 35 | 30 | 40 | 30 | 48 | 48 | 9 | 2/4 | 5 | 0 |
- Charm (Fel)
- Common Lore(Ecclesiarchy)
- Common Lore(Imperial Creed) (Int)
- Common Lore(Imperium)(Int)
- Forbidden Lore(Heresy) (Int)
- Medicae(Int)
- Performer(Storyteller)(Fel)
- Scholastic Lore(Imperial Creed) (Int)
- Speak Lanaguage(High Gothic) (Int)
- Speak Lanaguage(Low Gothic) (Int)
Trained Basic
- Common Lore(War)
- Literacy(Int)
High Gothic Low Gothic
- Air of Authority
- Basic Weapon Training(Universal)
- Melee Weapon Training(Universal)
- Pure Faith
- Resistance(Fear)
- +10 on Fear Tests
- Unshakleable Faith
- Peer(Ecclesiarchy)
- Blessed Ignorance
- -5 on Forbidden Lore tests
Combat Stats
Weapon Name | Skill | Class | Range | Rate of Fire | Damage | Penetration | Clip | Reload | Special | Weight | Rarity |
Weaponname | Accuracyname | Classname | Rangename | ROFname | Damagename | Nom De Plume | Clip Name | Reloadname | Specialabilityname | Weightname | Rarityname |
- Initiative Bonus:3
- Movement:3m
- Wounds:8
- TB:3
- Armor:5
- Dodge:
- Parry:27
- Best Auto Gun
- High quality and decorated with various Ecclesiastical marks. Mounts an Exterminator Cartridge
- Range: 90m S/3/10 Damage: 1d10+3 I Pen:0 clip:30 reload: 2 full weight:3.5kg Special: Reliable, Cannot Jam
- Exterminator Cartridge
- Mounted on Auto gun - trade(Armorer) to replace
- Range: 10m S/-/- Damage:1d10+4 E Pen:2
- Best Staff
- 1d10+1 I, Pen: 0 weight: 3 Special: Balanced ,+10 to hit
- Good Flamer
- 20m S/-/- Damage: 1d10+4 E Pen:2 Clip: 6 Reload: 2 Full Weight: 6kg
- Best Guard Flak
- 5 AP All
- Weight: 5.5kg
Other Equipment
- Ecclesiarchial Robes
- Aquila Pendant
- Censer and Incense
- Micro-bead
Experience Spent
- XP To Spend: 500
- Flame Weapon Training(Universal) 500
- Willpower +5 100
- Willpower +10 250
- Fellowship +5 100
- Fellowship +10 250
- Charm 100
- Common Lore(Ecclesiarchy)100
- Performer(Storyteller)
- Dodge (100)
- Awareness(100)
- Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy) (100)
- Secret Tongue (Ecclesiarchy) (100)
- Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader) (100)