Izumi Meilin

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"Shaken, not stirred."


Air Aspect Exalted

Secret weapon of an unknown master, ancient dynasty, wealthy, pure blood

Secret Agent

Stealthy, master thief, fearless, gathering intelligence

Tech Expert

Knack for magitech, MacGyver-ing, geomancy, sabotage, excellent gadgetry

Martial Artist

Assassin, attacking from surprise, glass cannon

Femme Fatale

Beautiful, silver-tongued, suave, loyal


Key of the Thrill-Seeker

You crave adrenaline and excitement. Hit this key when engaging in high-risk, adrenaline-pumping action.

Limit condition: Pass up an opportunity for adventure.

Key of the Matriarch

Family means a lot to you. Hit this key when you aid or protect a family member you love.

Limit condition: Allow those you care about to be placed in danger.

Key of the Spy

You were trained from birth to be the ultimate secret agent. Hit this key when you use stealth or manipulation to achieve your objectives.

Limit condition: Get caught during a mission.


Secret of Air Anima Banner

Add one die to any rolls involving movement, athleticism, speed. For 1m, you can prevent all damage from non-combative impacts.

Secret of Ebon Shadow Style

You are a master of Ebon Shadow Style, a Celestial martial art for assassins that utilizes stealth and athleticism to subdue enemies. Your precise essence control allows you to manipulate shadows to any end you desire: to amuse with shadow-plays, distract your enemies, or shroud your illicit endeavors. For 1m, the pinnacle of this mysterious art allows you to step through one shadow to appear in another, regardless of any barriers.

Secret of the Unseen Assassin

Whoever your master was, they allowed you to keep your personalized, military-grade Armor of the Unseen Assassin. This phenomenal suit of black armor makes you better, stronger, and faster. Most importantly, its specialized subsystems can make you almost invisible to the untrained eye. For 1m, you may even hide yourself from the all-seeing eye of Fate itself for up to one scene.