Ervyntar Z'eth

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Ervyntar Z'eth was born and raised on the Forge World of Kriess. From an early age, he displayed great aptitude with machines and an incredible fascination with knowledge, especially of the Omnissiah's sacred works.

Initiated into the Adeptus Mechanicus at an early age, Ervyntar slowly ascended through the ranks of scholars, delving into his studies with an obsessive zeal. He was especially interested in the secrets of archaeotechnology, often spending entire days and nights researching their mysteries, both xeno and human alike. Unfortunately, his passion for forbidden lore managed to alarm several of those among the Adeptus Mechanicus' higher echelon, prompting Ervyntar to leave on a prolonged "research mission."

During his quest, he collected many valuable pieces of information and technology, sometimes through less than approved means. However, his curiosity and insatiable lust for knowledge of the arcane brought a litany of misfortune upon him. Rarely did a vessel upon which he embarked return without a tale of some dire battle with viscous xenos or horrible mishaps in the Warp. Often as not, most of the original crew would be replaced by the time they returned, and those who had survived the entire trip told stories that would break even the strongest man's will.

As a result, Ervyntar now finds himself stranded on one of the Lathe worlds, an unwelcome passenger aboard most void-farers. For four years, now, he has been unable to find a brave captain who would have the power and be willing to take him to the far reaches of the galaxy, where many untold treasures of ancient knowledge await…

…but now he feels all of that is about to change.


Character Name Player Name Career Path Ship's Role Rank Experience
Ervyntar Z'eth Chromoid Explorator ROLENAME RANKNAME 5950 xp
Home World Birthright Lure of the Void Trials and Travails Motivation Lineage
Forge World Savant New Horizons (Archaeotechnologist) Dark Voyage (Things Man Was Not Meant to Know) Prestige N/A
Weapon Skill Ballistic Skill Strength Toughness Agility Intelligence Perception Willpower Fellowship Wounds Fate Insanity Corruption
25 45 25 37 40 56 43 35 25 10 2 4 0


✶Common Lore (Tech) (Basic) ✶Common Lore (Machine Cult) ✶Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus) ✶Talented (Forbidden Lore) (Archaeotech) ✶Literacy ✶Logic ✶Speak Language (Explorator Binary) ✶Speak Language (Low Gothic) ✶Speak Language (Techna Lingua) ✶Tech-use ✶Trade (Traditional) ✶Trade (Armourer) ✶Security


  • Basic Weapon Training (Universal)
  • Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
  • Logis Implant
    • +10 bonus on WS and BS on successful Tech-Use test
  • Technical Knock
    • Un-jam a gun as half-action
  • Resistance
    • +10 on Fear tests
  • Autosanguine
    • Heal 2 damage/day, always Lightly Wounded


  • Mechanicus Implants - Electro-Graft, Electoo, Cyber-Mantle, Respirator Unit, Potentia Coil, Cranial Circuitry
  • Stranger to the Cult - -10 on Imperial Creed knowledge tests, -5 on Fellowship tests with members of the Ecclesiarchy in formal settings
  • Logic - Not sure if this is a trait I actually have, or just a typo. Checking with cypher right now

Combat Stats

Weapon Name Skill Class Range Rate of Fire Damage Penetration Clip Reload Special Weight Rarity
Weaponname Accuracyname Classname Rangename ROFname Damagename Nom De Plume Clip Name Reloadname Specialabilityname Weightname Rarityname
  • Initiative Bonus:
  • Movement:
  • Wounds:
  • TB:
  • Armor:
  • Dodge:
  • Parry:



  • Equipment name
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text


  • Weapon Name
    • Notes about weapon (upgrades, quirks, etc.)
    • Weapon Statline
      • Flavor text


  • Armor Name
    • Fun and exciting subsystems
    • Other notes
    • Power requirements, if any
    • Amount of AP provided
      • Flavor text

Force Field

  • Field Name
    • Field type
    • Protection Rating
    • Fails only on a (insert number here)
      • Flavor text

Other Equipment

  • Equipment name
    • Equipment type
    • Equipment description
      • Flavor text

Experience Spent