Gahrn The Brachiator
Gahrn The Brachiator (Warrior): (1) 0 / 500 Hits: 1/1 Combat Pool: 1 Modifiers: Morale: +1 Reaction: 0 Initiative: Movement: 20 (16) Traits Gifts & Curses: (Give their names and a brief description of what they do in the blanks below.) Favor:Is owed a signifigant favor from some socially superior. Abilities: (Same as for G&C) Climbing: Able to climb walls, cliffs, buidlings, and any other sheer surface. Powerful:Being possessed of thick, strong, muscled thews. +1 to melee and thrown damage. +1 to strength-related melee attacks, ability or saving rolls as well. Equipment Armour: Leather Armor (AC+), Shield (AC+) Weaponry: Sword (),Crossbow (H), Gear: Backpack, travelling clothes (made of laminated linen-- no AC Bonus, but very sturdy), waterskin, tent, 50 meters of rope, mastiff (named 'Packer') Treasure Marks: Crowns: Shillings: 5 Pennies: Farthings: Gems, Jewelry, and so forth: