Red Cliff Domain
Red Cliff Domain
Player Characters
Non-Player Characters
- NAME (deceased) A former Dara Happan General, hero of ..., retired (to many's relief) to tak up the Red Cliff Domain on the Zola Fel. Died of the chills some three seasons later. Survived by wife, daughter and son.
- NAME Daughter of (DH Gen), travlled to the Red Cliff Domain with her family. When her father died she took on the mantle of running the colony but soon entered into conflict with her mother and brother. Eventually the latter were driven out, to go who knows where?
- Weeders A few Darjiini who came to the Domain with (DHG). They keep to themsleves.
- Anusiya of Urvairinus Origine A small unit of Sworn Companions in the Lunar subcult Urvairinus Origine. Dedicated to revitalising the Imperial Army through novel tactics and strategies. Disbanded when their subcult became known to a Dara Happan Staff Officer, Temar SixPens. They were given the option of trial on charges of Heresy and Unsanctioned Scriptural Innovation or taking early retirement without benefits.
Places of Interest
- Red cliffs - Enclosing the tributary to the Zola Fel, these cliffs light the sky red, an effect visible all the way up to the Sun Dome.