
Shadow Name: Nortia (Etruscan goddess of fate and chance)
Real name: Corinne Brennan
Path: Acanthus
Order: Mysterium
Legacy: Daoine
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Envy
Attributes: Intelligence: 3 Wits: 3 Resolve: 2 Strength: 2 Dexterity: 3 Stamina: 2 Presence: 2 Manipulation: 3 Composure: 2 (1+1 from Acanthus)
Advantages: Size: 5 Health: 7 Defense: 3 Initiative: 5 Speed: 10 Willpower: 4 Wisdom: 6 (sold back for 5 XP.) Gnosis: 3 (6 Merit dots) Mana: 6
Mental Skills: Academics: 2(History) Computer: 1 Craft: 1 Investigation: 1(Rotes) Occult: 2(Rotes)
Physical Skills: Athletics: 1 (Long-distance marching) Larceny: 1 Survival: 1 (Shelter,Rotes) Weaponry: 1
Social Skills: Animal Ken: 1 Empathy: 2 Expression: 2 Persuasion: 3 Socialize: 3
Language (Greek)
High Speech
Resources: 1
Sanctum: 2
Hallow: 1
Library (Medieval Witchcraft): 1
Language (Irish Gaelic)
Mentor (Daoine Mentor): 1
(16 XP spent; 2 XP per dot, 1+(1+2)+1+1+1+1=8 dots)
Arcana: Fate: 4 Space: 2 Time: 1 (24 XP spent; 6 XP per dot in Ruling Arcana, 4 dots)
Rotes: Luck Coin (Fate 3) Superlative Luck (Fate 3)
Legacy Attainments:
Daoine 1: The Eye and the Fist
Prerequisites: Gnosis 3, Fate 2 (primary), Space 1, Occult 2
Can use Correspondence (Space 1) at will; may use The Evil Eye (with Fate dots as successes) at will, though no more than once between two moonrises on the same person.
Knife (1L, Size 1, Cost 1) (Attack pool: 4 melee, 5 ranged)
Order Tool: A round metal talisman on which nordic runes are written in a spiral pattern.
Nortia's Personality and Opinions
--Toomuchtoabsorb 14:12, 12 March 2006 (PST)