Dastot Kennoch
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Character Name | Player Name | Career Path | Ship's Role | Rank | Experience |
Dastot Kennoch | Reeze Calban | Astropath Transcendant (RT) | ROLENAME | 1 | XPNAME |
Home World | Birthright | Lure of the Void | Trials and Travails | Motivation | Lineage |
Void Born Winters Path | Scapegrace | Tainted | The Hand of War | Endurance | none |
Weapon Skill | Ballistic Skill | Strength | Toughness | Agility | Intelligence | Perception | Willpower | Fellowship | Wounds | Fate | Insanity | Corruption |
36 | 34 | 32 | 37 | 37 | 40 | 45 | 56 | 26 | 8 | 4 | 12 | CP |
Untrained Basic skills
Barter(Fel): Carouse(T): Charm(Fel): Climb(S): Command(Fel): Concealment(Ag): Contortionist(Ag): Deceive(Fel): Disguise(Fel): Evaluate(Int): Gamble(Int): Inquiry(Fel): Intimidate(S): Logic(Int): Navigation(Stellar): Pilot(Spacecraft): Scrutiny(Per): Search(Per): Silent Move(Ag): Swim(S):
Trained skills
Awareness(Per): Ciphers (astropath sign): Common Lore (Adeptus Astra Telepathica)(Int): Dodge: Forbidden Lore (Psykers, Warp)(Int): Invocation (WP): Literacy (int): Psyniscience (Per): Scholastic Lore (Cryptology, Occult)(Int): Sleight of Hand (ag): Speak Language (High Gothic, Low Gothic, Winters Path) (Int):
- Heightened Senses (Sound)
- +10 bonus to tests involving hearing
- Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
- Peer (Insane)
- +10 bonus when dealing with anyone insane
- Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
- See Without Eyes
- Can see normally (despite no eyes). Not affected by effects that target vision (eg. blind grenades, cameleoline).
- Incapable of seeing untouchables
- Soul Bound to the Emperor
- +20 WP when resisting possession, or in any opposed WP test with Daemon, or any WP test resisting anything from a Daemon.
- Roll additional D10 and discard your choice when making Perils of the Warp tests
Psychic Powers
- Psy Rating = 2
- Discipline: Telepathy
- Basic: Thought Sending
- Special: Astral Telepathy
- Telepathic Communication Techniques: Mind Link, Mind Probe, Psychic Scream
- Telepathic Domination Techniques: Delude
Combat Stats
Weapon Name | Skill | Class | Range | Rate of Fire | Damage | Penetration | Clip | Reload | Special | Weight | Rarity |
Weaponname | Accuracyname | Classname | Rangename | ROFname | Damagename | Nom De Plume | Clip Name | Reloadname | Specialabilityname | Weightname | Rarityname |
- Initiative Bonus:
- Movement:
- Wounds:
- TB:
- Armor:
- Dodge:
- Parry:
- Equipment name
- Equipment description
- Flavor text
- Equipment description
- Weapon Name
- Notes about weapon (upgrades, quirks, etc.)
- Weapon Statline
- Flavor text
- Armor Name
- Fun and exciting subsystems
- Other notes
- Power requirements, if any
- Amount of AP provided
- Flavor text
Force Field
- Field Name
- Field type
- Protection Rating
- Fails only on a (insert number here)
- Flavor text
Other Equipment
- Equipment name
- Equipment type
- Equipment description
- Flavor text
Experience Spent
Xeno-Arcanist=200 xp Speak-Rogue Trader Tongue-skill=100 xp DoDge(= skill= 100 xp Ciphers-Rogue Trader-skill=100 xp
Total xp "spent" 5000