Tribe: Bone Shadows Auspice: Irraka Virtue: Faith Vice: Pride
Attributes (Power/Finesse/Resistance)
Mental: 3/3/3 - 15 XP Spent Physical: 2/2/2 Social: 2/2/3
Academics: 3 (Philo) Computer: 1 Investigation: 2 Medicine: 2 Occult: 1 Science: 2 (Bio)
Athletics: 1 Brawl: 1 - 3XP Spent Stealth: 1 Survival: 2 (Navigation)
Animal Ken: 1 Empathy: 2 Persuasion: 2 Socialize: 1 Subterfuge: 1 (Misdirection) - Auspice Bonus
Encyclopedic Knowledge: 4 Languages: 1 (First Tongue) - 3 XP Spent Resources: 1 - 3 XP Spent Totem 3 - 9 XP Spent
Defense: 2 Initiative: 5 Speed: 9 Size: 5 Harmony: 7 Health: 8 Willpower: 6 Primal Urge: 2 - 3 Merit Points Spent
Wisdom: 1 Cunning: 2
Death Sight (Death 1) Loose Tongue (Evasion 1) Rituals 1
Funeral Rite Rite of Dedication - 2 XP
James was born in a small town in Nova Scotia. The town wasn't exactly the most interesting place in the world, unless you had an affection for fishing, so James took to spending a great deal of time explore the surrounding geography. Hiking, camping, a little bit of rock climbing...James did it all. From an early age, he developed a passion for exploration and discovery. He never really seemed to be interested in looking for anything in particular. He'd wander the woods for hours aimlessly, until he found something, anything, that piqued his interest. One of the most critical events of this period in his life took place while he was still in elementary school. He was wandering in the woods near his house, and happened upon a dead bird. Nothing out of the ordinary, but it was his first encounter with a dead animal. He was fascinated by it. Over the years, he developed a fascination with life, death, mortality, and the fragility of humanity, both from a scientific and philosophical perspective.
James was not the most enthusiastic student the world has ever seen. He never really found the environement too stimulating. He did, however, spend an undue amount of time in the school library (the only place nearby with a reasonable collection of books that interested him) reading about whatever his interest of the week was. Despite his relative disinterest in school, he made it out with reasonably good mark, and earned himself entrance into the University of Toronto. However, he elected to defer his acceptance for a year, and spent the time backpacking across Europe, exploring what the world had to offer him.
He set off on this journey unsure of what he was hoping to find, but with no grand idea of 'finding himself.' Much to his surprise, he ended up finding both. It was during this time that James experienced his first change. It was shortly after this that he encountered the first creature like him, a Bone Shadow named Brian. Brian taught him the ways of the Uratha, and the ways of the spirit. James finally began to realize what he'd been looking for all these years. He travelled with Brian for several months, learning everything he could from him, and, particularly, from any spirits the pair encountered.
Eventually, his cross continent journey ended, and he returned home to continue his education. He might be a werewolf, but he'd be damned if that let him get in the way of his education. He saw university as a place where he good genuinely pursue what interested him, and, after trying some different things, ended up graduating with a double major in Life Sciences and Philosophy. After completing his undergraduate studies, he was accepted to Med School at the University of Chicago. He attended for two years, before electing to drop out, due to a dissatisfaction with the nature of the education (he found himself frequently busy with things he has no interest in) and, more importantly, due to an inability to juggle university and the burden of being an Uratha. Following this decision, he procured a job in the city Morgue as an attendant, where he has been working for over a year. It can be tedious at times, but he finds that it allows him more insight into the nature of death (and thus its relationship with life and the great beyond), plus on slow days he can often find time to read on the job - always a plus. These benefits make up for the occasional tedium. He currently lives in a small apartment on the outskirts of the city. It means that the trek into work is longer, but it keeps him closer to nature. He tries to spend time whenever possible conversing an interacting with the spirit world. He rarely is looking for any particular piece of advice/information/whatever, but this never makes a difference. In his own words: "The biggest problem with most Uratha, my own tribemates included, is that they never bother to talk with a spirit unless they're looking for something in particular. They have so much to teach us, if we'd just shut the fuck up and listen to whatever they're saying every now and again. You should try it sometime. You'd be surprised."
James can, to the casual observer, come across as fairly grim. He tends to keep to himself, and keep quiet, unless he has a reason otherwise. This is, however, a misinterpretation. James is a rather positive fellow, believing in the value of life, and carpe-ing the diem, and all that good stuff. He's just not the happy-go-lucky free spirit type.Nor is he the type to make friends at the drop of a hat, but if he choses to become associated with anyone, he is the most devoted and loyal friend/packmate/comcpanion you could ask for. This will, however, not stop him from questioning anything an everything one of his companions, even his pack Alpha, might say. James is rarely the first to propose and idea/plan/whatever, but he's always the first to point out a flaw in someone else's. He does this out of no sense of malice, but simply out of the belief that it must be done, and that if he doesn't do it, no one will.