Erik the Brick

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[Erik "the Brick"], [Man at Arms] [Fighter] [1], [Lawful] [0] / [2000]


[hide] 1 Attributes
2 Combat
3 Skills
4 Equipment
5 Spells

[edit] Attributes STR 14 (+1) INT 11 WIS 10 DEX 10 CON 12 CHA 7 (-1)

[edit] Combat HP: [5]/[7] AC: 5 Initiative: +1 (class feature) Movement: Base: Combat: Charge: Climb: Stealth: Daily:

Saving Throws Petrification & Paralysis 15 Poison & Death 14 Blast & Breath 16 Staffs & Wands 16 Spells 17

Weapons & Attacks [Crossbow] [10+1 (class feature)] [1d6] [Sword] [10+1 (class feature)+1 (Str)] [1d6+1/1d8+1]

[edit] Skills Languages Proficiencies: [Class Proficiency] [Combat Reflexes: True warriors never hesitate in combat. The character gains a +1 bonus on surprise rolls and initiative rolls. This bonus does not apply when casting spells.]

[Manual of Arms: discipline, physical fitness, and weapon drill. If the character selects Manual of Arms once, he can earn 25gp per month training light infantry. It takes 1 month to turn raw recruits into light infantry. If the character also selects Riding, he can also train light cavalry (taking 3 months). If he also selects Weapon Focus (bows & crossbows), he can traManual of Arms (G): The character has the ability to train soldiers in military in crossbowmen (1 month), bowmen (2 months), or longbowmen (3 months). Manual of Arms combined with Riding and Weapon Focus (bows & crossbows) allows the character to train horse archers (6 months). If the character selects Manual of Arms twice, he earns 50gp per month and can train heavy infantry (1 month). Two ranks of Manual of Arms combined with Riding allow the character to train heavy cavalry (6 months). Two ranks of Manual of Arms combined with Riding and Weapon Focus (bows & crossbows) allows the character to train cataphract cavalry (12 months). The character can train up to 50 soldiers during each training period.] etc.

Class Abilities If any of them include a die roll, list the die roll too. Class abilities Class Abilities

Other Abilities Open Door Detect Secret Door Hear Noise Find Traps etc.etc.

[edit] Equipment

Well-oiled sword, metal shield re-painted many times, slightly battered chainmail armor, crossbow, case with 19 quarrels, military tunic, boots, backpack, 2 weeks’ iron, box of spices (group), weasel fur (group)

Coinage CP SP EP GP 5 gp PP

Treasure Gems Jewelry Whatever

Magic Items Total Stones of Encumbrance

[edit] Spells First Level Spells Per Day: Repertoire

Second Level Spells Per Day: Repertoire