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Character One
Name: Jyss Profession: Elven butler Strength: 10(0) Agility: 10 (0) Stamina: 13 (1) Personality: 11 (0) Intelligence: 16 (2) Luck: 7 (-1) HP: 2 AC: 10 (0) Star Sign: Guardian Angel (-1 escape traps) Fortitude Save: 1 Reflex Save: 0 Willpower Save: 0 Equipment:Candlestick as club, lantern, 37 cp Brief Background/Description: Lost in the kingdom of Bron after some shameful acts, he's been living here for many years. Forced to live within humans, he's treated barely better than a slave, and bound to serve a wealthy master. Anyhow, it fits his quiet temper and his interest for human customs and schemes.
Character Two
Name: Sigmund Profession: ropemaker Strength: 11 (0) Agility: 15(1) Stamina: 8 (-1) Personality: 11 (0) Intelligence: 5 (-2) Luck: 4 (-2) HP: 1 AC: 10 (+1) Star Sign: Raging Storm (-2 to spell damage rolls) Fortitude Save: -1 Reflex Save: 1 Willpower Save: 0 Equipment: Knife, 100' rope, thieve's tools, 12 cp Brief Background/Description:Sigmund is not very smart, but does his job well and is quite a nice guy, everyone in the village likes him. Totally unaware of what's happening around, he's been living a happy life so far.
Character Three
Name: Killian Profession: Halfling ratcatcher Strength: 9 (0) Agility: 15 (1) Stamina: 13 (1) Personality: (16) Intelligence: 8 (-1) Luck: 8 (-1) HP: 4 AC: Star Sign: Pack hunter ( -1 to ATK and DMG of 0-lvl weapon) Fortitude Save: 1 Reflex Save: 1 Willpower Save: 2 Equipment: Gigging fork as dagger, 3 dead rats, candle, 37 cp Brief Background/Description:
Always covered in dirt or mud, he enjoys catching undesirable rodents more than everything. He understood very young that where there is food there is rats, and with rats comes money, plus a bunch a free food!