Character Details
- Cei, son of Guy. (G 148)
- Age 21 Born: 465
- Pagan, Cymeric.
- Liege Lord: Sir Roderick, Earl of Salisbury.
- Current Home: Pitton
- Chaste 5/15 Lustful
- Energetic 13/7 Lazy
- Forgiving 13/7 Vengeful
- Generous 16/4 Selfish
- Honest 8/12 Deceitful
- Just 10/10 Arbitrary
- Merciful 9/11 Cruel
- Modest 8/12 Proud
- Pious 7/13 Worldly
- Prudent 13/7 Reckless
- Temperate 12/8 Indulgent
- Trusting 8/12 Suspicious
- Valorous 9/11 Cowardly
- Loyalty (lord) 15
- Love (family) 15
- Hospitality 18
- Honor 15
- Hate (Saxons) 13
- Hate Irish 11
- Hate Picts 10
Siz: 12 Dex: 6 Str: 10 Con: 21 App: 14
- Damage: 4d6
- Healing Rate: 3
- Moving Rate: 2 yards
- HP: 33
Distinctive Features
2: Red Hair (he is the only one of his siblings, male or female, to bare his grandmother's distinctive red curls... considering the common sentiment against Saxons and superstitions concerning red hair, this has sometimes given him trouble) and a deep calm blue eyes (he has a habit of staring off into the distance, mind full of songs and stories)
He's a good looking, and extremely healthy, young man, buy not terribly big or as strong as his father would have liked, and he's actually quite clumsy. His ideal fight is one of endurance, rather than a fast fight.
- Awareness 10
- Boating 1
- Compose 6
- Courtesy 3
- Dancing 2
- Faerie Lore 15
- Falconry 3
- First Aid 10
- Flirting 8
- Folk Lore 15
- Gaming 3
- Heraldry 3
- Hunting 2
- Intrigue 3
- Orate 3
- Play [harp] 8
- Read [Latin] 0
- Recognize 3
- Religion [pagan] 2
- Romance 10
- Singing 2
- Stewardship 2
- Swimming 2
Battle 10 Horsemanship 20 Sword 10 Spear Expertise 10 Dagger 5
Belongings (special): 125d
Family Characteristic: Good with Horses (+5 Horsemanship)
The Estate: No Old Knights 3 Middle Aged Knights 5 Young Knights
Other Men in the Lineage: 15 Levy: 38
Cuirbouilli armor and helm (8 points); Shield (6); Sword, spear, dagger; Rounsey