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Gig is the land of gigantic proportion. Everything is big in Gig. Normal-sized in Gig is what passes as "giant" to most other panians, which makes the fact that most of civilization in Gig is built a few hundred feet above ground level even more amazing.


Gig is considered rustic and isolated by Core world standards. The population has always been low but stable in numbers, and conflicts are pretty much unknown. The way of life in Gig is slow and peaceful, with steady routines and predictable patterns, at least until the arrival of the League of Humanitarian Swords and The Society for Cultural Enrichment and Improvement.

The only thing of notice in Gig history is an ancient legend about a comet that is said to have shaped the landscape of Gig times immemorial. It's an old tale though, distorted by time.


As mentioned above, Gig is the land of giants. Everything is BIG in Gig, and that means EVERYTHING. The fauna of Gig consists of strange, gigantic crossbreeds like the amphibian Whaletiger (a sort of striped, four-legged, teethed and clawed whale thing) or the fearsome Batbadgers (think flying Honey Badgers). Luckily, most of these terrors live on the ground level of Gig, meaning they are seldom a threat to the world's inhabitants and visitors, who live in the skies above. Which brings us to the next topic: The Hometrees

The Hometrees are the single largest living organisms on Gig, which is saying something. As the name suggest, the hometrees are trees. Only these trees are big enough to carry a village made for giants. The Gigasi civilization is completely built around the Hometrees. On top of the hometrees the Gigasi have built their cities. It's on the hometrees they find their grow their food thanks to edible parasitic plants that lives off the hometree's branches. Your average gigas will spend all his life living on one hometree or another, never putting a foot on solid grounds. The only city on Gig, called Gig's Capital is built on a cluster of fifteen especially big Hometrees.


The people of Gig call themselves "Gigasi". They are, like everything else, giants. Three times the size of your average human, the gigasi are an impressive sight. Besides the size, the gigasi looks mostly like humans with nutty brown skin and a really bad hairday. Their proportions are slightly distorted though, with long arms and stumpy legs, and every feature on their faces seem exaggerated with long noses, bushy eyebrows and peering little eyes that are often near-sighted. The gigasi tend to be hunchback as well, giving them a sort of lumbering appearance. Shaving is pretty much unheard off, meaning most male (and quite a few females) gigasi are bearded. Having adapted to their environment, gigasi are excellent climbers.

As a people, the gigasi are very peaceful. In known history there has never been a war between gigasi. In fact, the gigasi vocabulary lacks words to describe phenomena like "war" and "fighting". The gigasi way of life is like their beloved hometree. A gigas only want to lay down his/her roots and slowly move in tune with the sun and the wind. "Stress" is another thing that the gigasi vocabulary seem to lack. One shouldn't confuse their slow pacifist nature with stupidity though. The Gigasi got a knack for scholarly pursuits and Gig's Capital sports a phenomenal university. Likewise, although the stone and wood buildings of the Gig's Capital might seem archaic and backwards, they are actually quite sophisticated, hiding top notch plumbing and electrical networking. Gig simply lack heavy industries and other modern wonders because they live in F:ing trees.

The gigasi' pacifist nature isn't without its drawbacks though. A gigasi is will never ever use force to defend him- or herself, preferring instead to flee. This makes the gigasi quite vulnerable to the beasts that lurk bellow the hometrees.

The League of Humanitarian Swords


The Society for Cultural Enrichment and Improvement

Also soon

Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers