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Rook, female halfling thief Shifty eyes, messy hair, fancy clothes, lithe body STR 9 / 0 DEX 17 / +2 CON 11 / 0 INT 8 / -1 WIS 13 / +1 CHA 15 / +1

HP 17 Damage d8

Moves: Halfling (ranged +1 damage) Trap expert Tricks of the trade Backstab Flexible morals Poisoner (Serpent's Tears) Cheap Shot

Alignment: Chaotic (leap into danger without a plan)

Load: 5 Dungeon rations (1 wt, 4 uses) Leather armor (1 wt, 1 armor) Serpent's Tears (3 uses) 10 coin Rapier (close, precise, 1 wt) 3 throwing daggers (near, thrown, 0 wt) Adventuring gear (1 wt)

Bonds I stole something from Benn (a letter; haven't read it yet). Kurgan has my back when things go wrong - and it drives me crazy. Harry knows incriminating details about me. I gave that dwarf the golden heart--he owes me!