Morgrave High Abigail Ghoul

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Casey , please know that you do not sufefr your loss alone. Your friends even blog friends that you have yet to meet think of you and pray for you and Dan daily to help ease the pain. Zoe can not replace precious Asher but I honestly believe that God gave her to you to help ease your grief and pain and in a strange way unbeknownst to you helps to comfort and minister to people like me that only know you and Dan through your blog and mutual friends. I Love you and am glad that you have been brought into my life. Asher will always be with me in my heart too. That sweet and precious baby touched my life in ways that I can't even explain to myself let alone to you. Only God knows. I hope that you have a good day with baby Zoe. Give her smooches from me and when you look at her SMILE a big Smile and know that she is a special angel sent to you from another angel and our heavenly father.