Waiwodes Pendragon Campaign
IT befell in the days of Uther, when he was king of Logres, and so reigned, that there were many kings among the Saxons that held war against him....
Player Characters
Cei ap Guy - InsertName
Edmund de Berwick St. James - Scarik
Idres de Cholderton - KreenWarrior
Sir Jacen the White Wolf of Woodford - Chronicler
Sir Carwyn de Laverstock - dkm872
Gareth de Durnford - Ryan L.
Important Non-Player Characters
Uther Pendragon, King of Logres
Prince Madoc ap Uther
Sir Roderick, Earl of Salisbury
The Knights of Salisbury
Sir Elad (G 4189) Marshall of Salisbury. A portcullis, silver, on a blue field.
- A booming voice, Energetic, Valorous, Hates Saxons
Sir Cynhyfal (G 3234) Castellan of Tilshead. A boar, natural, couchant, on a parted field, pale, white and red.
- A notably limp. Grey hair. Temperate. Hates Saxons
Sir Marcellinus (G 2516) Seneschal of Salisbury. Fives scrolls, quincunx (like the 5 dots on a d6), on a purple field.
- Patrician nose, charming accent. Prudent.
Sir Bledri (G 1352) A member of Sir Roderick's household. A boar, natural, couchant, on a quartered field, white and red."
- Clean-shaven, twinkling eyes. Lustful, Valorous. Hates Saxons.
The Ladies of Salisbury
The Annals of Salisbury
Links and other Notes
Why do we distrust the knights of Silchester?
King Constantin, King of Logres, was a mighty warlord, and the Saxons who now invade our shores feared him. Your grandfather fought for King Constantin. his bodyguard, Breton knights from neighbouring Silchester, betrayed and slew their rightful liege. That was two generations ago, and the knights of Silchester have proven themselves to by loyal and fierce warriors. Still, doubts remain.
King Constantin was followed by his sons King Constans, and Aurelius Ambrosius, the first Pendragon, and then by his youngest son, Uther, who is now King of Logres.
A Typical Year in Pendragon
Phase I: Spring Court I & II
Phase II Summer Adventuring
Phase III Harvest
Phase IV Winter Court
(See link in title for detailed notes)
Tags consist of two parts. Immediate Tags are based on Distinctive Features. Secondary Tags are based on a character's Traits and Passions that are at value 16 or higher, and are evident about any famous person (via rumours and tales) or anyone you know.