Gnaarl the Chosen
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands
Gnaarl the Chosen Class: Magic User Level: 1 (Medium) Experience Points: 440 (+10%) Total Hit Points: 2 Armor Class: 9 Movement Rate: 40'/Round
Attributes: Strength 13 +1 melee, open doors, damage with thrown weapons Intelligence 18 Languages: Common, giant, goblin, orc Wisdom 9 Dexterity 12 Constitution 5 -2 hit points per die Charisma 10 maximum retainers 4, default retainer morale 7
Coins: 71 gp - wt 71
Loot: 46 sp - wt 46
Weapons: Dagger - wt 10 10' Pole with lantern hook - wt 40
Wizards cloak - 5gp Backpack: - wt 160 Lantern 5 Flasks of oil 5 Torches Rations (2 weeks) Waterskin x 2 (filled) Iron spikes (12) 50' rope Small hammer Tinderbox Mirror, steel Sacks, Large (2) Caltrops (2) Whetstone -2gp
Spellbook: 1st Level: Detect Magic Read Magic Protection from Evil Charm Person Shield Sleep
Total Encumbrance: 218 + 46 = 264
- Main Page; Keep On The Borderlands