Professor Valerie Draccis

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"Ethical ramifications? Sorry, never heard of them. Perhaps point me to a few peer reviewed studies in Mad Science Weekly?"


Real Name: Valerie Draccis, Prof.

Aliases: Val (her peers), Impending Doom (her grad students), Crazy Lizard (her undergrads)

Age: ~200

Race: Wyvern (lesser dragon)

Power Level: 6

Position: Mad Scientist, Personal Space Violator

Eyes: Yellow

Hair: None, but has short backward facing horns on her head.


A white scaled panian female of average height. She has vestigial wings under her arms running to her torso capable of limited gliding but not true flight. Mostly bipedal but can run on all fours if the need arises, a long scaled tail running behind her with a bit of a fan near the end. Valerie is perpetually dressed in her lab coat, usually with swirly goggles atop her head or over her eyes, always ready to do SCIENCE! but her outfits under it range from casual to formal depending on her mood and inspiration levels.


Not much is known about her prior to her emigration to Crosstown, but that's sort of typical for dragons. She already had a penchant for science, and the constant attacks by various megalomaniacal beings very much caught her interest. She was the first to graduate from the Grand Vault Skills and Magic Academy with a degree in SCIENCE!, and ended up becoming a full time instructor there to create an all new curriculum the likes of which the Mirrorskies had never seen. For good reason, really. Evil Villain attacks skyrocketed, though often they were thwarted by other SCIENCE! students working on their senior projects or graduate thesis.

Her favorite student to date is one Luthor Snark, father to Elias and Elena, finding him to possess as much if not more passionate about the true point of SCIENCE! than any other student she'd ever encountered. She may have been the one to get him started on researching Terrorbeast Cores, though where she might have found out about them is not known.

After encountering TIME as they chased after Inefectia, she arranged for a transfer to the group to better observe Elena specifically and TIME generally as well as lend her considerable skill at repairing the damaged Artifact. This is most likely a bad thing in the long run. The maids may be busy keeping her from altering the Artifact so that it is Mech transformation capable "because it seems like a waste otherwise."


Perpetually cheery, though also focused, she is also oblivious to most normal social cues. Like any good Mad Scientist, she has no concept of "personal space," "expected boundaries," or "ethical practices." It seems to be a habit of hers to inspect, prod, snuggle, extract samples from, etc, anyone and anything she comes across. Unlike the far more powerful Draco Noblis, however, she is not prideful or disdainful as a rule, only as a reflection of what she sees as a lack of imagination and a refusal to see the merits of SCIENCE! by those around her.

Most of her fellow professors gave her a wide berth, and she went through assistants quickly. Some got caught up in her experiments, but most just couldn't take it or got seduced away from her by Verdant's mother Yellow. It's entirely possible she's got a crush on Zhi, or maybe she's been around Yellow too long to tell the difference between politeness and flirting.


Aside from the typical physical features of her lineage (sharp claws and teeth and a powerful tail), she really doesn't seem to have much going for her outside of her mind. At least she hasn't shown anything off. It's entirely possible she has some form of breath weapon or magical ability, some wyverns still do, but she hasn't used it. Her main power comes from a vast array of technogadgets she has made with SCIENCE!, from mechanical spider legs for scaling walls to all manner of scanners to high powered weaponry of various purposes and destructive or constructive capabilities. Her lack of understanding of why it is normally considered a bad thing to unleash mutant plague beasts into a populated area just to "see how they adapt to the new environment" means she is something of a loose cannon, though it is more untempered curiosity coupled with an absence of empathy than any maliciousness.


SCIENCE! of course!

She also has an unhealthy obsession with prodding Elena into doing random acts of mass destruction just to see how well her best student did. She is also interested in Elias, perhaps as a comparative study to Elena, or perhaps because of a few of the things Luthor did to him to save his life prior to his flight with Wisp. The fact that she is a dragon and both Snarks are technically her mortal enemies only seems to manifest by a truly impressive reaction time whenever either twin shows aggression.

Trailblazing Intrepid Mystery Explorers