Vaskar is a farmhand-turned-rogue who's down on his luck. He fancies himself the finest shot in the land, but that is yet to be seen. He has a faithful mule, Sarah, who is more feisty than he'd like.
Vaskar, human thief Level 1 XP: 0
Strength: 10 Intelligence: 11 Wisdom: 12 Dexterity: 14 Constitution: 7 Charisma: 14
AC: 7 HP: 3 Base Attack: +1 Move: 40'/round Initiative +1 Reaction +1
Open Locks 15 Find Traps 10 Remove Trap 10 Climb Walls 87 Move Silently 20 Hide in Shadows 10 Pick Pocket 20 Hear Noise 20
Death Ray/Poison 14 Magic Wands 14 Paralysis/Petrify 13 Breath Weapon 16 Rod/Staff/Spell 15
Skills: Balance +1, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Escape Artist +1
Weapon Proficiencies: Bastard Sword (B), Light Crossbow (B)
Gear: Peasant clothes, long cloak, bastard sword, light crossbow, 60 bolts, backpack, long cloak, 10' pole, tinder box, purse, 1 week fresh rations, thieves' tools, full waterskin, leather armor, plain boots, 50' rope, mule with saddlebags
Cloak, 10' pole, 50' rope, waterskin, tinderbox, and rations are being carried by mule
Money: 20gp, 5sp
Encumbrance: 388 on person, 375 on mule