Gunstar Siaka
These are NPCs in Gunstar_Autochthonia:_Raiton_Wing
Siaka Flight
Siaka Flight gets results; they have the highest number of confirmed kills per pilot in the Gunstar Defense Line. Their high risk, aggressive attitude comes at a cost, however, as they have a notoriously high casualty rate among their Terrestrial fighter screen. Despite this, Siaka's Dragon-blooded contingent is disciplined and loyal; if it comes down to death or glory, they choose glory.
Commander Desus
The rising star
Rank: Commander
Callsign: “Sinner”
Caste: Eclipse
Age: 99
Everyone agrees that this handsome young (by Deliberative standards) rake is really going places. As long as his flight wing maintains the highest number of confirmed kills in the GDL, the world is his oyster. Desus's command has been marked by moments of brilliance, as well as by the occasional whispers of behind-the-scenes scandal, including abuse of his Terrestrial squads. Nothing has ever been proven, and his squad is, if anything, more loyal than ever
Saibok Miles
The golden statesman

Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Callsign: “Basher”
Caste: Dawn
Age: 55
Despite his age, Miles is a relatively recent exaltation; after thirty years of service in the Defense Line Logistics corps, Miles’ office’s position was overrun by a sudden attack of Kimbery-Spawn infiltrating through the Municipal sewer system. As his fellow office workers were slain, Miles exploded into golden light and began slaying devas with a letter-opener. With five years and flight school later and Miles was the second in command of Raiton flight. Exaltation seems to have changed him little so far: Miles gives every appearance of being a decent, hardworking, loyal family man; he even has grandchildren.
Useful Hammer
The one man brute squad
Rank: Lieutenant
Callsign: “Brute”
Caste: Zenith
Age: 36
Good natured but cocky, Hammer was born into the lowest segment of the Populat; his name is also his previous profession. The big man spent years swinging a sledge in a Nurad junk yard before his exaltation, and he has the muscles to prove it. A man of simple tastes, Hammer's favorite things are beer, arm-wrestling, and pretty girls.
Crimson Feather
The voice of reason
Callsign: “Beak”
Rank: Lieutenant
Caste: No Moon
Totem: Cardinal
Tell: red feathers on his hair and clothing
Sly, studious, and skeptical, this erstwhile sorcerer left his posting at an Autochthonian Science Academy to study the enemy firsthand, in battle. Some whisper that he may have become too obsessed with understanding the enemy, and broaches apostasy.
Heart-Seeking Ebon Blade
The bad boy

Callsign: “Slash”
Rank: Ensign
Caste: Soulsteel
Age: Effective career of 10 years.
Few alchemicals are as unrelenting in their pursuit of Primordial forces as Ebon Blade. Not content to hunt down signs of their presence within Autochthonia, he colluded with his Metropoli host to produce a shining black soul-steel Voidfighter to act as a surrogate Colossal form, the better to seek out enemies and destroy them. Some whisper that the Alchemical’s flesh has developed an addiction for the motonic taste of Deva souls.

The sweetly singing muse
Callsign: “Buzzer”
Caste: Changing Moon
Totem: Impala
Tell: clicking hooved footsteps, spiral horns
Age: 35
The heart of Siaka flight, Caska is bright-eyed, friendly, and quick to jest. Born to the Theomachy, she was destined to be a priestess until her sudden Exaltation at age fourteen. A trained choir singer, Caska’s songs (and pheromones) promote peace and love wherever she happens to sing. She is regarded as the heart of Siaka flight, playing den mother to their egos.
Despite not being his lunar mate, Caska is widely known to be the longtime and totally devoted lover of Commander Desus. How her solar mate Li Xiaofei feels about this is the subject of much barracks gossip.
Thrice Sealed Zhao
The Sarge

Aspect: Earth
Rank: Sergeant/Dragon Leader
Callsign: “Tumbler”
Age: Too old for this shit
He leads Siaka flight’s three Terrestrial wings. Nothing surprises Zhao anymore; he sleeps with his armor on, and has a knack for being halfway down the hall to his ship even before the alarm klaxons sound. A wise Celestial would pay heed to the instincts of this ancient combat monster; at least, that’s what he tells people.