The Hanger Bay Crew

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back to Gunstar_Autochthonia

Holy Shit, some Mortals!

Throughout most of Autochthonia, your workplace is your home and your workmates are your entire social circle. You work together, eat together, and sleep together. You could call them your family, except for the fact that the vagaries of the State may call any of them away at any time, reassigning them to a different workplace or a different city. Autochthonians, for the most part, take this in stride; they learn to live for the moment, making new friends and parting with old ones with (almost) equal ease. Pillar of Brilliance, partly out of remembered sympathy from when she still walked among them, and partly from new theories for effective workplace management, does her best to avoid splitting up work crews within her person. Many of the crews in her hangar bays go back half a dozen generations; they really are a family.



Bazz is crew foreman for the hangar bay where your fighters are stored. Rather than the stern workaholic manager you might expect, Bazz prefers to avoid doing his job as much as possible, to the point where his laziness wraps around to the other side and makes him an excellent boss; he organizes his crew so efficiently that he can duck out for a smoke that lasts three hours, in the comforting certainty that nothing will probably go wrong.

Cada and Verico

Cada and Verico are sisters, maybe? Or maybe not. They don't really worry about it. All they know is that they know how to rebuild every physical component of a fighter, blindfolded, even if they can't fix all the magical Exalty doo-dads. Cada and Verico have lived around the Exalted so much that the awe and reverence has worn off; sometimes they play pranks on the pilots, like leaving joke signs inside your cockpits.

Cada and Verico