Day 15

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Left Keep on the Borderland in morning. Traveled east along main road to Caves of Chaos. Entered the hobgoblin cave.

    • Turn 1: travel into cave and up the stairs. Light torches.
    • Turn 2: enter chieftain's room.
    • Turn 3: pass through secret doors.
    • Turn 4: enter confluence of passages.
    • Turn 5: move down a passage towards some lights. Those lights are beetles that attack the party. Beetles killed.
    • Turn 6: harvest glowing organs of beetles, and mark where the fight took place.
    • Turn 7: move down another passage. Ambushed by minotaur, but defeat it.
    • Turn 8: move down passage to main cave entrance.
    • Turn 9: move from entrance down north-west passage on left. End at dead-end T-intersection.
    • Turn 10: travel NE to intersection where beetles where killed.
    • Turn 11: travel NW to intersection.