Characters: Doc Wilson
Dr. Aaron "Doc" Wilson
Dr. Wilson started out life as a medical student who'd gotten an easy ride from his rich parents. (Further TBD)
Doc's the kind of guy you do business with. Only business. -J
I was going in to get a few upgrades for my arm one day when a gang of maybe a dozen toughs were looking to make a name for themselves. They rode up all show and popped a few shots into Doc's place. I hit the deck but he didn't even budge. I guess he was busy with something. All of a sudden, I hear what sounds like the loudest fart in the world for a few seconds before it all goes quiet. I looked outside and saw a lot of red on the street mixed with bike parts. Most of the gangers looked like they were made of ground beef. The one that was still alive (more or less) got carried in by the locals. I don't want to know what happened to that one. -Wizgig