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Scene 008: Gunslinger penetrates SPARTA

Gunslinger is down in the computer core with Joel. Amy, Sarah and Joe are up top-side, but they're pretty clued in to the fact that there's trouble. I assume that we'll see a fateful showdown in the computer core itself.

Known outcomes: Joel will be wounded, rather than anyone else. Some secret of Joel's will be revealed, rather than a secret of Sarah's. Azrianni further feels that what Gunslinger wants is to be reunited with his family ... which I'm totally down with.

And ... still thinking ...

One issue that's a bit of a poser for me is that ... I don't want Sarah's secret to come out to the other SPARCs members, but I really do want it to be shoved in the face of the audience a little, in preparation for the next episode. Any ideas?

Well, the obvious solution would be to separate Sarah from Joe and Amy - I'm sure someone can short out a lock or override a lift or whatever, either Gunslinger to aid his getaway or one of the SPARCs to protect the others.
Then Sarah's identity can come into play in a confrontation between her and Gunslinger/Joel/both. Maybe Gunslinger knows who she is. You could tease the 'is she an undercover villain?' angle again.
Something to remember - Frost blocked Gunslinger's main sidearm as a conflict victory last scene. I think at some point he has to try to shoot someone, ony for the gun to jam. 10:00, 24 April 2006 (PDT)