TAND:Viridian Falls System
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System Breakdown
- System Features: Bountiful, Ruined Empire (Eldar)
- Star: White
- Ownership: Imperial, claimed by House Tremlett
Inner Cauldron
Asteroid Cluster
Cluster Primaris forms a close-spun but very thick net around Alba Viridia.
- Industrial: 148
- Radioactive: 128
- Ornamental: 91
Radiation Bursts
Leaking through the dense Cluster Primaris, these bursts can savage an unwary vessel.
Dust Cloud
A cloud of breathtakingly beautiful purple space dust that hangs between Alba Viridia and Viridius I.
Gas Giant (Viridius Alpha)
Coloured like a slice of bacon, Viridius I is a massive gas giant, exerting titanic gravitational forces upon its multitude of satellites.
- 1 Planetary Ring (Debris)
- 3 Planetary Rings (Dust)
- 3 Lesser Moons (1 Mineral Resource)
- Ornamental: 42
- 8 True Moons
- Viridius Alpha-Primus (Large, Normal G, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Burning World, 3 Mineral Resources)
It's hard to tell what would kill an unprotected human faster on this world, the furnace heat or the pyrophoric particulate polluting the atmosphere.
- Industrial 40
- Ornamental 86
- Radioactive 39
- Viridius Alpha-Secundus (Large, Heavy G, Thin Corrosive Atmosphere, Temperate World, 4 Mineral Resources)
Offering a considerable mineral bounty, including enormous deposits of Adamantium, Alpha-Secundus is a worthy target for industrial expansion.
- Industrial 108
- Ornamental 72
- Exotic 98
- Viridius Alpha-Tertius (Small, Low G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Burning World, Trapped Water, 3 Mineral Resources)
Tidally locked, the rivers of molten iron flowing from the day-side of Alpha-Tertius offer easy harvesting potential.
- Industrial 167
- Ornamental 46
- Viridius Alpha-Quartus (Small & Dense, Low G, No Atmosphere, Burning World, 3 Mineral Resources)
An atmosphere-less ball of heated rock, Alpha-Quartus is as rich in minerals as all the planetoids of this system.
- Industrial 105
- Ornamental 91
- Radioactive 54
- Viridius Alpha-Quintus (Small & Dense, Normal G, Thin Corrosive Atmosphere, Temperate World, 3 Mineral Resources)
The aggressively corrosive atmosphere - not enough to get through proper equipment in a hurry, but enough to strip paint in short oder - makes exploiting Alpha-Quintus a logistical challenge.
- Industrial 102
- Ornamental 110
- Radioactive 38
- Viridius Alpha-Sextus (Small & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Burning World, Trapped Water, 3 Mineral Resources)
Rich in gold and adamantium, Alpha-Sextus is a desert world with sporadic, deep-underground stores of water.
- Ornamental 92
- Exotic 138
- Viridius-Alpha-Septimus (Large, High G, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Hot World, 2 Mineral Resources, 2 Alternate Resources)
Covered from pole to pole in lightly boiling, toxic sludge, Alpha-Septimus is nonetheless worth mining out to the core.
- Ornamental 104
- Industrial 61
- Radioactives 83
- Viridius-Alpha-Octavius (Large, Normal G, Moderate Deadly Atmosphere, Burning World, 5 Mineral Resources
'An atmosphere deadly enough to give an Astartes pause hides enormous amounts of resources on the red-hot Alpha-Octavius.
- Industrial 99
- Ornamental 161
- Radioactive 181
Planet (Viridius Beta)
With an atmosphere barely breathable without burning the lungs, the ember jewel of Viridius Beta awaits the drills and extractors of the brave Explorer.
- Small & Dense, Low G, Thin Pure Atmosphere, Hot Inhospitable World
- Lesser Moon
- 3 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 108
- Ornamental 75
- Radioactive 31
Planet (Viridius Gamma)
Though living on Gamma is a chore due to the heavy gravity and atmosphere, it and its moon are rich in resources and extraordinarily fertile for raising crops.
- Large, High G, Heavy Pure Atmosphere, Temperate World, Verdant)
- True Moon (Large, Heavy G, Thin Toxic Atmosphere, Burning World, 4 Mineral Resources)
- Industrial 152
- Ornamental 90
- Exotic 27
- 1 Landmass w/5 Territories
- Plains (Extreme Temperature)
- Forest (Expansive)
- Plains (Fertile, Fertile)
- Forest (Unusual Location, Notable Species, Notable Species)
- Plains (Fertile)
- 4 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 90
- Ornamental 190
- Exotic 194
- Xenos Ruins (Eldar) 73 - A major eldar Illusion-complex confounding orbital sensors into believing this to be no more than an inhospitably deadly and resource-starved, useless rock.
Primary Biosphere
Asteroid Cluster (6 R)
Cluster Secundus is the first of the three overlapping asteroid formations that marks the boundary between the system's Inner Cauldron and the Primary Biosphere, a vast field of immense wealth hidden in rocks.
- Industrial 175
- Ornamental 76
- Radioactive 27
Asteroid Cluster (7 R)
Cluster Tertius is the center of the three asteroid fields, the sheer size of some of the debris hinting at a planet of considerable size having broken up into the three asteroid formations.
- Industrial 48
- Ornamental 226
- Radioactive 43
- Exotic 164
Asteroid Belt (10 R)
Cluster Quartus is the closest formation to Viridian Falls, possessed of immense material wealth while retaining ease-of-access due to its less clustered nature.
- Industrial 308
- Radioactive 112
- Ornamental 130
- Exotic 40
Dust Cloud
Derelict Station
- Eldar 208
Planet (Viridian Falls)
One of the true jewels of the Expanse, Viridian Falls is an enormous planet, possessed of mind-boggling mineral wealth and pefectly pleasant weather all-year-round. The only downside is that you theorize it is an Eldar Maiden World.
- Vast, Normal Gravity, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Temperate, Verdant
- True Moon (Large, Heavy G, Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate, Trapped Water, 2 Mineral Resources, 1 Alternate Resource)
- Industrial 98
- Radioactive 90
- Organic Compound (Vivid Accessory) 39 - Fractal crystals that glow with an innate, glorious golden light, warm and beautiful.
- True Moon (Large, Heavy G, Tainted Atmosphere, Temperate, Trapped Water, 2 Mineral Resources, 1 Alternate Resource)
- 2 Continents w/7 Territories
- Plains (Fertile, Fertile)
- Forest (Expansive)
- Plains (Expansive)
- Plains (Expansive, Expansive, Expansive)
- Forest (Expansive)
- Plains (Fertile)
- Mountain (Expansive, Expansive)
- 9 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 264
- Radioactive 207
- Ornamental 176
- 3 Alternate Resources
- Xenos Ruins (Eldar) (53) - Warp-stabilization complex buried beneath the Tremlett Residence, complete with hoversharks.
- Exotic Organic Compound (105) - Lush peach-like fruit that allow anyone who partakes of them to experience the world with the impossibly sharp and heightened senses of an Eldar.
Planet (Viridius Epsilon)
The upside: Vast mineral wealth. The downside: Crushing gravity and an aggressively murderous microfungus. At least the fuzzy blue growths are really beautiful from orbit.
- Vast, High Gravity, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Cold World
- 8 Mineral Resources + 4 Alternate Resources
- Industrial 257
- Radioactive 134
- Ornamental 70
- Exotic 40
Outer Reaches
Asteroid Cluster (6 R)
- Industrial 212
- Ornamental 138
Asteroid Belt (8 R)
- Industrial 131
- Ornamental 319
- Radioactive 52
- Exotic 53
Gravity Riptide
Gas Giant (Viridius Zeta)
- 1 Planetary Rings (Dust)
- 2 Lesser Moons
- 1 Mineral Resource (Ornamental, 28)
- 4 True Moons
- Viridius Zeta-Primus (Small, Normal G, Moderate Toxic Atmosphere, Temperate World, 2 Mineral Resources
Though small, one of the continents hides a vast amount of adamantium - under a chartreuse atmosphere fatal to humans.
- Ornamental 66
- Exotic 98
- Viridius Zeta-Secundus (Small & Dense, Normal G, Moderate Pure Atmosphere, Ice World, Inhospitable, 3 Mineral Resources, 1 Alternate Resource)
Whatever sloughed off this planet's free surface water is a mystery - the ice that remains is tainted beyond the point of any filtration.
- Industrial 162
- Ornamental 27
- Xenos Ruins (Eldar) 86 - Hidden under twenty-eight meters of ice is an entire city of the Eldar, curvaceous wraithbone and corpses with faces frozen in a rictus of inimitable terror and agony.
- Viridius Zeta-Tertius (Large, Normal G, No Atmosphere, Ice World, 3 Mineral Resources, 3 Alternate Resource
Where Zeta-Secundus lost its free surface water, something violently sloughed off the atmosphere of this planet-sized moon, leaving behind towering spires of ice pointing at whatever the point of atmospheric egress was.
- Industrial 59
- Radioactive 49
- Ornamental 129
- Exotic 86
- Xenos Ruins (Eldar) 72 - Another city of the Eldar, full of frozen space elves frozen in various states of mortal terror and infathomable pain.
- Viridius Zeta-Quartus (Large & Dense, Heavy G, Thin Toxic Atmosphere, Cold World, 5 Mineral Resources
Theoretically settleable, were it not for the considerable amount of chlorine in the atmosphere. Mining expeditions should make note of the sizeable gold deposits.
- Industrial 55
- Ornamental 162
- Exotic 40
Planet (Viridius VII)
A frozen, useless chunk of rock that has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, for you even lack a mass driver large enough to use it as ammunition.
- Low Mass, Low G, No Atmosphere, Ice World, No Resources
Planet (Viridius VIII)
Beneath the crushing gravity, a chokingly-thick atmosphere and a shallow, corrosive sea of liquid gases covering almost the entire surface lies an army's worth of promethium, steel and other useful materials. Extraction potentially difficult.
- Vast, High G, 1 Lesser Moon, Heavy Corrosive Atmosphere, Ice World
- 7 Mineral Resources
- Industrial 235
- Ornamental 171
- Radioactive 116