TAND:Archeotech Items
- Lord Micron Eisen's Storm-Axe (Imposing, Swirling Energy, Surly, Resplendent, Best Quality)
- Melee; 1d10+10 E; Pen 9; Power Field, Unbalanced, +10 to hit, +15 to Intimidate and Command, If Fear >1 then +1 Fear Rating, +30 to find when concealed, +2 Init while used, Shuts down temporarily on 96-100; 3kg
- Polaris Pinpoint Precision Battle-Rifle. (Swirling Energy, Unpredictable, Zealous, Good Quality)
- Basic; 90m; S/3/5; 1d10+7 E; Pen 6; Clip 20; Reload Full; Shocking, Reliable, +1 DoS on Success, +1 DoF on Failure, Never more than -+30 mod on Roll; 7kg
Heavy Rifle
- Lord Micron Eisen's Combat Rifle (Swirling Energy, Resplendent, Lucky, Best Quality)
- Basic; 60m; S/4/8; 1d10+7; Pen 5; Clip 48; Reload 2 Full; Shocking, Never Jams or Overheats, +5 to Intimidate and Command, +1 Unburnable Fate Point; 35kg
Assassin's Bodyglove
- Balanar-Pattern Nightsuit (Swirling Energy, Trusty, Dogged, Good Quality)
- AP 3 (All), Reroll first hit (melee or ranged) per round at -10, +1 AP against first hit per round, Once per session gain +10 to any one test while wearing this armor, always returns when lost somehow.
Power Armour
- Lord Micron Eisen's Plate (Incalculable Precision, Lucky, Resplendent, Best Quality)
- 9 AP (All), +10 Dodge Tests, +20 Str, Eternal Power, Void-Sealed, +5 to Intimidate and Command, +1 Unburnable Fate Point; 16kg.
MicronTek Multi-Function Toolkit (Compact, Lucky, Vanishing, Good Quality)
- +10 Tech-Use, fingernail-sized, -10 to find (even when not hidden), -40 to detect if hidden.
Starship Component
Plasma Drive
- MicronTek III-A Cruiser Drive (Compact, Zealous, Cruel, Common Quality)
- Size 9, +75 Power, Reroll Starship weapon damage once per session, Never more than +30 or -30 to tests involving this component.
- Stark Industries MkVII Ortillery Module (Steady, Cruel, Vanishing, Common Quality)
- Power 4, Space 5, Strength 6, 1d10+2, Crit Rating 5, Range 6, +5 to Hit, reroll damage once per session, -10 to find aboard vessel; Light Cruiser, Cruiser only