Horror on the Hill
A play-by-post game using Douglas Niles' B5 - Horror on the Hill module. This uses the 1981 version of Dungeons & Dragons, edited by Tom Moldvay (B/X series).
Recruitment Thread [1]
Player Characters
Amarinth the Medium
Level: 1
Class: Magic User
Alignment: Neutral
- Str 10
- Int 16 (+10% xp, +2 languages)
- Wis 9
- Dex 10
- Con 9
- Cha 10 (4 followers with morale 7)
Hit Points: 3 (current: 3)
Armor Class: 9
THAC0: 19
Saving Throws
- Death Ray/Poison: 13
- Wands: 14
- Paralysis/Stone: 13
- Dragon Breath: 16
- Rods, Staves, Spells: 15
Spells 1; Spells known: Read Magic, Charm Person
Gold 30gp
Equipment: Normal dagger x2, Silver Dagger, Backpack, Lantern, Iron rations 1 week, Tinderbox, 5x flask of oil, Mirror, 2x water-skins, 50' rope, small hammer, Iron spikes
Encumbrance 140