- Hope empowers. (2]
- Hope draws harmony from confusion. (2)
- Hope makes wonders of the ordinary. [1]
- Hope sustains by connecting. (1)
- Hope is within reach to those who need. [1]
Attribute | Value | MPs |
Aspect | 1 | 10 |
Domain | Hope: 3 Amyra: 2 |
10 |
Persona | 4 | 10 |
Treasure | 2 | 10 |
Glorious (2 pts.)
Perfect Timing (1 pt. uncommon Gift of Aspect)
I. Lotus Flower: Key of the Descending Angel
My Power
- to restore humanity
- a shout that shatters despair
- Humans flow with hope, becoming more than mundane
My Nature
- glorious
- set apart
- inspiring, infectious
XII. Hollyhock: Key of Destiny in the Balance
My Destiny
- becoming an answer to Eden’s Fall
- Hope lives as and in human dreams
- Hope is a sustaining fire that may be claimed by any soul
- A forever becoming, molting, as hope sheds each old skin in turn..
- Saving the dreams that humans forget
My Struggles
- self-doubt
- changing hurts
- Must my loved ones become my hands?
- Humanity deserves better
More than anything else, you are... In Love with Something: The fierce beauty of Hope!
- My Nature: inspiring, infectious
My Estate is from the... Light Side of Human Experience
- My Destiny: Hope lives as and by human dreams.
My Estate is... Something You Live
- My Destiny: Hope is a sustaining fire that may be claimed by any soul
I lived a... Blessed Life
- My Power: A shout that shatters despair
What's the Legacy of your Blessed Life? Community
- My Power: Humans flow with hope, becoming more than mundane
What's the Legacy of your Humble Life? Transformation...
- My Destiny: A forever becoming, molting, as hope sheds each old skin in turn..
Contact: Manufactured Army
- My Destiny: Saving the dreams that humans forget
Contact: Mortal Friends and Family
- My Struggle: Must my loved ones become my hands?
What is your Affiliation? The Song of the Light
- My Struggle: Humanity deserves better.
Unresolved questions
- My Nature: By becoming an answer, am I less free?
- My Destiny: What is the wonder that humanity shall become?