Jonathan Breyer
Personal Data
Name: Jonathan Breyer
Homeland: Isles of Scilly, Duchy of Cornwall, Kingdom of England
Culture: English
Social Class: Rural
Profession: Fisherman
Religion: Church of England
Father's Name: Harry Breyer
Father's Class: Rural
Age: 26
Year Born: 1614
SIZ 16
DEX 14
STR 13
CON 13
Damage 5d6
Healing Rate 3
Movement Rate 3
Total Hit Points 29
Unconscious 7
Parry 7
General Skills
- Awareness - 10
- Carousing - 10
- Courtesy - 5
- Culture - 6
- Dancing - 2
- Drive - 2
- First Aid - 7
- Fisherman - 15 (Replaces Seamanship and Hunting, includes +2 bonus from Family Characteristic)
- Flirting - 7
- Gaming - 3*
- Intrigue - 3
- Language (English) - 15
- Lore (English Channel) - 8
- Navigate - 10
- Negotiate - 8
- Play (Fife) - 4
- Recognize - 6
- Religion - 2
- Romance - 4
- Shipwright - 9
- Singing - 2
- Streetwise - 10
- Survival - 10
- Swimming - 11* (+10 from Magical Salmon Tattoo)
Combat Skills
- Captain - 10
Weapon Skills
- Blade Short - 6
- Brawling - 13
- Blunt - 15
- Pistol - 8
("*" indicates experience check due)
Personality Traits
Chaste 10 / Lustful 10
Energetic 16 / Lazy 4
Forgiving 7 / Vengeful 13
Generous 13 / Selfish 7
Honest 10 / Deceitful 10
Just 7 / Arbitrary 13
Merciful 10 / Cruel 10
Modest 7 / Proud 13
Pious 10 / Worldly 10
Prudent 10 / Reckless 10
Temperate 10 / Indulgent 10
Trusting 9 / Suspicious 11
Valorous 10 / Cowardly 10
- Love (Family) - 15
- Hospitality - 15
- Honor - 15
- Distrust (Dutch) - 5
Father, alive and married
Father's brother, dead and never married
Father's brother, alive and married
Mother, alive and married
Mother's brother, alive and married
Mother's sister, alive and unmarried
Older Brother, alive and married
Older Brother, alive and married
Older Sister, alive and married
Younger Brother, dead and never married
Younger Sister, dead and married